t h i r t y t w o

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Ara pov

"Jay" "Ara"

I heard two voices call out at the same time.

It was San and Yera.

They both walked up to us.

"Jay, I need to tell you something" Yera spoke to Jay

"Are you guys going on a walk?" San asked

"Um, yes" Jay responded

"Do you mind if I steal Ara for a quick minute?" San continued

"Why?" Jay asked skeptically

"Well, uh Yera seems to want to tell you something and I need to speak with Ara"

Jay immediately looked at me asking if I was okay with it

I nodded in response.

"I'll talk to you later" he spoke before walking away with Yera. 

I wonder what she wants to tell him

"So uh, could we talk somewhere more private?" San asked softly

"Sure" I responded in the same manner, slowly feeling my head get clearer.

We walked in silence until we reached a small clearing in the trees. 

"I wanted to ask you about something" he started

Wow, straight to the point

I nodded for him to continue. 

"Did Hana talk to you about anything? About us?"

"Maybe, maybe not. Why?"

He suddenly grabbed my hand startling me.

"What are you doing?"

"I guess she did, seeing as how when you stare at me you don't glare and you didn't recoil from my touch just now"

I scoffed "That was quick"

He sighed and I couldn't tell if it was from relief or exasperation 

He put his head down slowly still holding onto my hand.

I stayed quiet wondering what happened when I heard a soft sniffle

"Are you crying?" I asked concerned 

"I'm sorry just give me a minute"

I had never seen this side of San, he looked like a frail little boy. I hesitantly reached out my hand to him and rested his head on my shoulder. After a minute had gone by he spoke the words

"I'm sorry"

The words that I had been hoping for since the night that everything had fallen apart, I felt tears roll down my eyes. 

"I'm sorry too" I whispered back

"No, no, why are you sorry? You have no reason to apologize" he raised his head to look at me

"I should have handled everything in a calmer manner and I shouldn't have tried to hurt you back" I spluttered

He brought me into his arms and I didn't protest.

"Those things I said that night, I didn't mean them, you know that right? I was just doing what my father had asked, I know I must have hurt you"

"Of course I know that"

He pulled away from me and put his hand on my cheek looking into my eyes

"I've missed you" he whispered

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