t w e n t y s i x

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Jay pov

As we lay side by side in silence I felt the sudden urge to reach out my hand to her but I fought it.

Damn laying down in a meadow makes me feel so cliché

"I'm hungry" She suddenly said ruining the mood

"Puahahahaha" I burst into laughter at her sudden outburst and she joined in.

I stood up and she reached her hand out for me to pull.

We walked over to the rest of the group.

"Can we go now, it's getting late and we're hungry?" I said

Yera turned towards me and hit me on the arm playfully
"Already? You're such a baby" She then pinched my cheeks playfully

I blushed from embarrassment and moved away looking at Ara, she had an expression on her face that I didn't understand but she wiped it off before I could figure it out.


Sunhee pov

"K Sunghoon you can put me down now"

He hadn't put me down even after we had arrived back at the camp

"I don't want my poor Sunhee to feel any pain" he said so adorably

"Your Sunhee?" I asked

"Yes my Sunhee" he put me down and caressed my cheek softly

"Now about that kiss from before" he continued with a sly smirk

"Hah nice try" I walked into our tent with a grin

"Sunhee, wae?"

He followed me into the tent and sat pouting

"Do you think acting cute will get you a kiss?" I asked

"You think I'm cute" he said smiling

As I was about to respond I put my foot the wrong way which caused my ankle to hurt again.

Sunghoons smile wiped off his face as he saw me wince, he rushed to me to check my ankle

When he saw that I was okay he put his face closer to mine and whispered in my ear:

"I know something that'll distract you from the pain"

I went along smiling "and what is that?"

Instead of responding he closed the distance between us and put his lips on mine softly one hand on my chin and the other behind me to support his weight. I put my hands on his nape pulling him closer and I felt him smirk through the kiss. Our lips dancing to a rhythm only we could hear.
He was moving his hand from my chin to my waist when we heard footsteps coming towards the tent.

"Sunhee?" Ara called

"Tch, always interrupted" Sunghoon frowned playfully while pulling away.

I laughed breathlessly "Ara, I'm over here" I responded to her.

She entered the tent eyeing the two of us suspiciously before sitting down.

"Sunghoon get out I have to talk to Sunhee about something" She spoke quickly.

"You're so mean, aish" he grumbled as he walked out.

As soon as he was out, Ara looked at me with a smirk. "What?" I asked confused.

"You and Sunghoon, when were you planning on telling me?" She spoke.

"Hah, what are you talking about" I laughed nervously.

"You don't think I noticed the way he looks at you? And also, your lips are looking a little swollen, care to explain? Did I interrupt something"

I blushed and looked away "okay okay, I was going to tell you, I just didn't know when"

"Sooo how long has it been?"

"About 2 months" I giggled.

"You guys are so cute together" She cooed.

"Thanks" I smiled "How are you and Jay doing?"

"Oh uh, fine" She said quietly.

To be honest, Ara and Jay's relationship seemed very strange to me. Ara had just broken up with San, who she had been with for more than a year and suddenly moved on to Jay. It just didn't seem like something Ara would do since she loved San so much, and yes she's a bad bish but you know she still has a soft heart.

"What's going on between you two?" I asked

"Nothing" She said fiddling with her fingers.


"Are him and Yera very close?" She asks unexpectedly

"Uh, kind of. Actually in middle school they both liked each other but they didn't date for some reason"

"Oh really?" She said still playing with her fingers.

"You don't have to worry about them though, they're just friends" I said noticing her mood change.

"Yeah, ok" She replied

Shoot I shouldn't have told her about them.

"We're about to eat right?" I changed the subject

"Yeah, Heeseung, Jay and Yera are cooking"

I stood up and put my hand on her shoulder reassuringly, seeing that she was still affected by what I had said.

"Just forget about what I said okay. He's with you now anyways and my brother isn't the cheating type" I said smiling.

She smiled back and stood up. "Ok, let's go"

Two days later

Ara pov

"Jake, move your slow ass" I yelled riding my bike.

Heeseung laughed from my side. We were riding our bikes on a trail to go shopping at a nearby town.

"I'm trying, but I'm tired" he whined

"We're almost there anyway" Heeseung spoke.

"There it is!" Sunoo yelled in excitement.

I rode closer to Sunhee "Hey, you shopping with lover boy or me?" I asked

"Ha. Ha. I'm gonna shop with him first then I'll shop with you"

"Ok, but your boyfie is slowly taking you away from me, what am I gonna do?" I whined jokingly. She hit me on the arm lightly.

I guess I'll shop with Jay then. I looked towards him about to ask, when I saw him laughing with Yera.

Great. I guess I'm shopping with the guys then.


"Hey, Hana!" I rode next to her ignoring San completely

"Uh, hey" She replied

"Who are you shopping with?"

"Umm, San is going with Ni-ki so I was gonna go by myself"

"Good, how about you shop with me then?"

"Oh uh, sure"

Maybe I'll get a chance to ask her what she was gonna tell me earlier.

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