n i n e

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San pov

"Babe, I'm bored, let's go shopping" Hana complained

"That's the third time this week, can't we just stay in and watch a movie?" I asked

"Seriously" she scoffed

Ara always loved staying in with me

"Fine," I said unwillingly


I miss her

Aras pov

Class had ended and I was sitting on Jay's desk while talking to Sunhee and he was talking Sunghoon

"And then he-" I started

"Excuse me, you're in my way" Hana Young spoke

I looked her up and down and continued with what I was talking about

"As I was saying-"

"Did you not hear what I said?"

This girl could go any other way, why's she bothering me

"Suddenly I can't hear anything. Do you hear anything Sunhee?" I asked

"No, no I don't" she played along

"Hah, do you think you're funny or something?"

"Ugh there's really annoying sound like a fly buzzing around my ear"

"Yeah I hear it too," said Sunhee continuing

"Yah!" Hana yelled raising her hand about to hit me

"Hey!" Jay yelled grabbing Hanas wrist

"Don't touch her" he said sternly

"Ugh, who are you to tell me what to do?" Hana scoffed

"Her boyfriend"

Just then, San walked in and grabbed Jays hand

"What are you doing? Let go of her" San said harshly

"I'll let go after you tell your girlfriend to calm down," Jay said

"Whatever" Hana yanked her hand from Jay and walked away

San looked at me for a second before going after her

What was that expression just now? He looked sad

I ignored it and turned back to Jay

"Boyfriend huh?" I asked teasingly

"Am I not?" He grinned

What was that? I actually thought he was telling the truth just now

I got close to his ear and whispered "I've been wanting to ask, what did you do with my clothes after the club night? I really liked that skirt"

His face turned strawberry red but then he composed himself and whispered back "I took them off you"

I opened my eyes wide in shock

"Just kidding, I covered my eyes first then gave you a hoodie to put on that's all, calm down" He laughed " And if you want to know where they are, maybe check where we put dirty clothes"

"Woah Woah Woah, you guys need to slow down, whispering bad things in each other's ears sheesh" Sunghoon suddenly exclaimed

"Yeah you guys are at school, do that at home or better yet, don't do it at all" Sunhee chimed in

Me and Jay just burst into laughter

"You guys don't even know what we're saying" I laughed

"If you really wanna know, we were talking about laundry" Jay chuckled

"You guys are weird" they both muttered

"Let's go get boba and ditch these weirdos," Sunhee said

"Yeah" Sunghoon agreed

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