f i f t e e n

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"Hey Ara, I have something to tell you" Sunhee and me were at my locker about to head to class

"Whats up?"

"Um so I've been meaning to tell you this but I did-" She was cut off by a hand suddenly slamming against my locker and trapping me

"Jay! You scared me" I hit him on the arm playfully

"Sorry, baby" he teased

What has gotten into him? Is it cause I told him to flirt?

"Tch, go away I'm talking to Sunhee" I chuckled

"Yeah go away, aish so annoying" Sunhee chimed

He pouted and slowly walked away


"What were you saying?" I turned back to her


"Ugh stupid bell"

"It's okay I'll tell ya later"

"K, mwah see ya" I blew her a kiss and started walking to class

"OK we're going to start class immediately and I'm going to say the remaining names for partners"

"Sunoo and Ni-ki"

"Yes" they pumped their fists smiling

She read some more names then she finally got to mine

"Ara, you are going to be with San"

I widened my eyes in shock of all people why oh why did she have to pick him?

I felt sick to my stomach

"Mrs. Lee, may I please use the washroom?"
She nodded and I walked out, feeling Sans eyes on me

I locked the stall door and sat down biting my nails

Its okay you just have to do your work and pretend like nothing ever happened

But something did happen.

I can't work with that piece of shit, I'll just ask to change partners.

I smiled to myself and straightened up

Everything's going to be fine

Time skip

"I'm sorry but you can't change partners"

"What? Why?" I asked Mrs. Lee

" Most students have already started their projects and finding someone for you to switch with would be disruptive and if I were to change your partner then everyone else would want to change partners and I paired you altogether assessing your grades and your progress, so I'm sorry"

"Um ok then" I walked away from her office on the verge of tears

I am not going to cry over him again

"Get yourself together Ara" I whispered to myself

"Hey Ara" a warm hand grabbed my arm

I turned around to see who it was "Don't fucking touch me" I growled at San

"Sorry I uh just wanted to ask if I could come over today to work on the project" he said removing his hand

"Do what you want" I turned around about to walk away, but he grabbed me again

"Look, I know you're still upset over what happened but come on, this is a big part of our grade and I want us to be able to work on this peacefully"

I didn't say anything I just glared at his hand on my arm until he let go

I scoffed and walked away

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