s e v e n t e e n

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San pov

It was getting really late and I was about to tell Ara that I was gonna head out when I felt a soft tap on my shoulder
She had fallen asleep on my shoulder
Should I wake her up
I missed this, let me be selfish just for a while
I leaned my head on hers slowly and closed my eyes

I miss her

Ara pov
What's this smell? Like vanilla and honey, so familiar.


My eyes flashed open to find myself in his embrace, when did I fall asleep? I pushed him off and got up
He opened his eyes in surprise "Woah, what time is it?" He said sleepily

"I think you should go now"

His eyes fully opened when he realized what happened "Oh, um sorry about that" he said averting his eyes

I said nothing and just looked down

"Well um I'll start going, we can work on it more tomorrow" he said packing up

"Why don't we work at the library tomorrow instead of here?" I suggested
This situation can't happen again or my plan was for nothing and I don't wanna go to his house and smell that bitches perfume all over his room

"Yeah sure" he said getting up

I showed him out the door and watched him go.

I went back to the couch and curled up into a ball Why is everything so damn difficult? A few tears escaped my eyes but I wiped them away

What time is it anyway?  I checked my phone "2AM!!??" Where's Sunhee? The boys are at Jungwons subdivision but she didn't say where she was

As I was about to call her the door suddenly opened and a giggling Sunghoon and Sunhee came in quite close to each other seriously what is going on with those two?

They didn't seem to notice me so I cleared my throat

Sunhee jumped back and fell on her butt, I cackled like a witch

"What the hell Ara?" hissed Sunghoon

I kept laughing and Sunhee got up "Why are you sitting in the dark sheesh?"

"No reason" I said, finally catching my breath

"Is Jay with you? The boys thought he was coming over but he never showed up" Sunghoon asked afterwards

"Oh I guess he's still here then"
We all walked up the stairs quietly to his room
Sunhee knocked and no one answered, she looked to me but I just shrugged

She slowly opened the door and her eyes widened but she didn't say anything "Is he ther-" Sunghoon started but was cut off by Sunhees hand
"Ssshhh, look" She opened the door wider to let Sunghoon see and he had the same reaction.
I was curious about what was so surprising so I came closer to the door but Sunhee blocked me "What are you doing?" I asked confused

"Umm y-you don't need to see, it's nothing" Sunhee stammered

"Yeah just boring Jay sleeping in his boring bed" chimed in Sunghoon

Now I have to see

I pushed through them, and looked in his room to find him sleeping peacefully, but as my eyes adjusted to the dark, I saw that there was not one but two people sleeping on his bed
Yera was sleeping next to him comfortably and they were surrounded by paper and snacks.

I turned around quietly, Sunhee and Sunghoon looked at me expecting me to blow up "What?" I asked

"Umm nothing but are you ok?" asked Sunhee

"Why wouldn't I be?" I turned around and walked to my room I heard them whispering behind me, but I ignored it

Ugh, I said I'm okay but why do I feel so hurt?

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