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Sunhee pov

I sipped on the remnants of my boba tea that we just bought and looked up at Sunghoons face instantly making me smile he smiled back

"Why don't we go to the garden today? It's been a while" Sunghoon suggested


I had stumbled upon the garden one day and me and Sunghoon ended up becoming its caretakers, ever since then it had become Our Place

I had stumbled upon the garden one day and me and Sunghoon ended up becoming its caretakers, ever since then it had become Our Place

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"The roses smell so good today" I cooed

It took Sunghoon a while to answer

"Y-yeah they do" he stammered

"You ok?" I asked

"Um yeah, do you wanna go on the swing?" he asked looking nervous

What's up with him?

"Are you sure that old thing can take my weight?" I smiled

"Let's find out" He laughed

As he pushed me I thought of all the memories we had made here, eating ice cream, sharing secrets, comforting each other

Sunghoon slowed down the swing and sat beside me "I have to tell you something" he started

I nodded signalling him to go on.

"Do you really not remember anything at all from that night at the club?" he asked

"Mmm no not really"

"Oh," he said disappointedly

"You asked me this question before, did something happen?" I asked concerned

"Ahem, well um you see"

"Spit it out" I spoke starting to get worried

"Ok, we were drunk and the music was loud and it was so hot in there"

"Sunghoon" I warned

"We kissed, alright, we kissed and for some reason, I can't seem to get it out of my mind and I've been having this weird feeling whenever I'm near you and I just... "

"Sunhee, I think I like you" He finished

*Gasp* Are my ears deceiving me? Did I hear that right? Sunghoon likes me?!!

I buried my face in my hands from the shock and then I turned to him to see a panicked expression on his face but to relax him, I melted my face into a smile.

I don't know where the sudden confidence came from but I kissed him on the cheek and whispered in his ear "I like you too" and he flashed me that smile that I had fallen for over and over again.

He took my hand in his, looked me in the eyes and told me in a soft voice "Thank you"

I giggled and looked away "Have I ever told you that you're even prettier than the roses in this garden? And that your smile is brighter than the sun? Or that you smell like a meadow on a spring morning?" He said making me shy

"Sunghoon, stop it" I laughed

"I'm not done. Your skin as clear as the moon, your eyes hold a galaxy, your lips that smell like strawberries" as he said those last words, his eyes moved down to my lips and his hand caressed my cheek while tucking a strand of hair away from my face. I smiled and he got closer and closer until our lips connected softly, he pulled away too soon to flash me a wide grin but as I was about to smile back he connected his lips to mine passionately and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"That should have been our first kiss" he chuckled afterwards

"Yeah" I answered breathlessly mind still whirling

He plucked a rose from one of the nearby bushes and gave it to me

"For my lady" he smiled, I pecked him on the cheek

"For my man"

A soft chapter for yall

Hope you liked it✨💖

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