t h i r t y o n e

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"Hey Ni-ki I see you" Sunoo smacked Ni-kis cheating hand away from the deck of cards

"Dang it" he grumbled

"Anyone want more beef?" Jay asked from behind the barbecue

We had all eaten BBQ and drank soju, so we had moved onto games

"I do" chimed Heeseung

"Of course you do" Jungwon chuckled

As Jay fixed Heeseung some meat we decided to come up with other games

"How about... Broken telephone?" Niki suggested

"What are you? 5?" Jake laughed

"Oh! How about, Truth or drink?" Sunghoon suggested

"Oh that's a good one" Sunoo exclaimed giddilly

"Ok, who's going first?" Sunghoon asked

"Wait, Jay! Come sit" Sunhee called

"K, I'm coming" he wiped his hands and sat next to me flashing a smile

"Ok, I'll go first" Sunhee clapped her hands together excitedly

She spun a soju bottle until it landed on someone: Hana

"If you had to choose between going naked or having your thoughts appear in thought bubbles above your head for everyone to read, which would you choose?"

"That's such a weird question" Ni-ki laughed

"I would let everyone see my thoughts" Hana spoke

"Oooh, we got a clean one" Jungwon teased

"Ok, my turn" Hana spoke

She span the bottle and it landed on Sunghoon

"Have you ever dated someone secretly?" She grinned

Sunghoon smiled and stayed quiet but quickly reached for the glass of soju in front of him gulping it down.

"What!?" Jake exclaimed

"You have!?" Jungwon asked in the same tone

"I never said that" Sunghoon spoke smirking

"But, if you hadn't dated someone secretly, you could have said so" Heeseung said suspiciously

"Hey, I drank so I don't have to talk" he smiled whole crossing his arms

I looked to Sunhee and winked teasingly. 

"Anyway, it's my turn" Sunghoon spoke taking the bottle

It landed on Jay

"Tell us about a time you embarassed yourself in front of your crush"

Oh I wanna hear this

"Um... okay, it was one Valentines day and I was 14 I think, I was going to class and then I saw her holding a box of Valentines gifts cause she was very popular, so I offered to help her carry the box since it looked heavy, but as she handed me the box her hand touched mine and I got flustered so I dropped the box and there was a big mess in the hallway of roses, chocolate and whatnot and I just stood there, a blushing mess"

Everyone laughed and I joined in but as I replayed the story in my mind it sounded very familiar.

Wasn't that me?

Before I could read too much into it, Jay already span the bottle and it landed on me

"Hmm,  ok have you ever been rejected by a guy?"

Tch hell no but I'm too nice to say that

Instead of answering, I picked up the shot in front of me and chugged it down.

Everyone exclaimed

"The Hanato Ara has been rejected before?" Sunoo laughed

"Hey, I never said that"

"Ya didn't have to"

Time skip

Jay pov

"Urgh, um pizza or chicken?" Sunghoon drawled

"You already asked that one" Ara spoke with her eyes half closed

We had played a few rounds and most of us had drank a few, except me.
I had nothing to hide.

"Jay-ah I'm hungry" Ara whined as she leaned on my shoulder

"Uh, I think you've eaten quite enough"

We had ended up eating more while we played.

"But I'm hungry! If I'm hungry I should be allowed to eat" She protested

I didn't want her to eat too much and end up felling sick, but it's annoying trying to rationalize with a drunk person.

"Ok, sure but first why don't you take a walk and have some cold water"

My attempt to make her sober up

"Okee dokes, let's goooo" She hiccuped

"Hey guys, we should probably take a break on the game, try and get sober" I spoke while getting Ara up

"Ok, whatever you say Cap'n" Sunhee saluted

Time skip

"Ah, water is so delicious, did you know water was this good? Here have a sip" Ara sighed after gulping down a water bottle

"I'm fine thank you" I declined while taking the water bottle from her hands and putting it on the table.

"Do you feel better?" I asked

"Kinda, my head hurts a little" She said rubbing her head

"Let's take a walk, maybe that'll help" She spoke softly

"Ok" I agreed already reaching for her arm

"Jay"   "Ara"

I heard two voices call at the same time.

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