F o u r t y f i v e

142 8 1

Ara pov

"Ugh" I sat up groggily, feeling a headache growing. We all lay in the same positions from yesterday and I felt Jay stir beside me.

"Morning" he spoke in a husky voice.


"What time is it?" he asked rubbing his eyes. I checked my phone.


"AM? That's way too early. " he pulled me by the arm and tugged me into his chest.

"I guess the floor does still seem like a comfortable bed" I closed my eyes and felt my eyes grow heavy listening to his heartbeat and soft breathing.


"Move over. " Sunhee elbowed me in the side while moving around.

"Ow" I hissed and elbowed her back.

Sunghoon poked his head up to look at the two of us and sighed in exhaustion.

"What time is it?" I heard one of the guys ask.

"Someone else check, I'm tired"


"Damn" I sighed while sitting up. One by one they all sat up too and stared at the messy house in front of us, except Ni-ki.

"You guys are too loud" he grumbled from the floor.

Jungwon smacked him on the head "If we left you, you would probably sleep till 5 pm. Get your ass up"

"Hyung!" he whined. I ignored the two and got up slowly trying not to be sick. 

"Someone order hangover soup" Sunhee spoke.

I continued to walk slowly as the feeling of nausea kept building.

Everyone got up and started cleaning up random things, Jay walked up to me.

"What kind do you want?" He asked motioning to the menu. I pointed at a random one that looked good and groaned holding my stomach.

"Feeling nauseous?" he asked putting a hand on my forehead.


"Go sit down, I have a drink that helps with it straight away"

I walked to the kichen and sat on a bar stool waiting for him. He ran back a few minutes later with a clear flask holding a brown liquid with something floating around.

"What's that?" 

"It's a special drink my mom used to make when me and Sunhee had an upset stomach. Ginger, lemon and pears" he spoke while poring some into a cup for me.

I held the cup to my mouth hesitantly and took a sip.

"It's actually really good" I exclaimed taking a another sip and then gulping it down.

He smiled as I drank the last few drops.

"Jay, is that moms drink?" she asked as she hurried towards us.

"Yea-" she satched it from him and started drinking it straight from the flask.

"Yah! You're gonna finish everything!" he yelled taking it back from her.

"Man, that was good" she sighed wiping her mouth.

I felt my stomach start to go back to normal after a little bit.

"Okay! Let's finish up with the cleaning and go out" I exclaimed when I felt all my strength come back.

The boys started a line of complaints.

"I'm too tired, no way"

"Let's just stay in for the day"


"Too much happened last night. How are you ok?"

"Can we just watch a movie?"

"Yeah, let's watch a movie"

I scowled at them "You guys are no fun"

"Sure sure, just help clean" Sunghoon sighed handing me a broom.



"Why would you pick a movie like that?" spoke Sunoo as he wiped his tears.

"I heard a lot of good ratings" shrugged Ni-ki

"I still have chills" Jake shuddered while rubbing his arms

"What a plot twist" Sunghoon marveled.

We had decided to watch Unforgivable and the boys were shaken up.

"Ok, next movie" Sunhee took the remote and started scrolling through Netflix.

I lay my head on Jays chest and put my feet on his lap snuggling up to him.

He rest his chin on my head and put his arm around me.

I suddenly chuckled lightly. 

"What's funny?" he asked.

"Nothing, it's just the last time we were in this scenario. Everything was much different"

"Yeah, you're right. We were still in highschool, Sunghoon and Sunhee weren't dating"

"I had just broken up with San"

We stayed quiet for a minute, listening to everyone else chatter about which movie to pick.

"And me and you, same spot, my feet up on your lap, both of us akward"

"Definitely not in love" he laughed quietly.

My heart warmed at the word Love.

"It's funny to think it all started as an Act"

"And transformed into reality"

"My plan was really dumb now that I think about it"

"But it was one of my best decisions" I looked up at him with a smile.

"Yes it was" he replied before lowering his lips to mine and connecting them softly.

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