t w e n t y o n e

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Sunhee pov

Everything happened so fast I didn't even have time to react

"Um I'm gonna go talk to her" I stood up and rushed upstairs

"Ara can I come in?" I stood there waiting for her response

"Yeah" She mumbled

I saw her sitting in a corner of her room so I sat beside her

"Hana must have done something to piss you off right?" I asked


"If I had known this was how it was gonna turn out I wouldn't have invited her" she spoke quietly

"Well, it just shows that you're mature  enough to accommodate anyone"

"I saw a bruise on her wrist and asked her about it thinking that it would be a funny story but she got so defensive. I was gonna back off but she was being so damn rude"

"Oh" we both kept quiet

"That was a great dinner wasn't it?" She said sarcastically

"But the food was really really good, Yera should become a chef"

"Oh my gosh she should, my mouth was watering as I ate"

We both kept laughing

Yay I succeeded in cheering her up

"Thank you" Ara said after we stopped laughing

"If I'm not there to cheer you up, what am I here for? Come here" I reached my hands out for a hug and she snuggled closer to me

Knock knock

"Can we come in? No one's crying right?" Ni-ki whispered from the other side of the door, I heard someone hit him on the head after he said that

"Yeah, you can come in" Ara replied

All the boys squished through the door

"*Dongsaeng!" Jungwon squealed

*means younger sister

They all rushed forward and wrapped her in a hug

"San's my best bud but if he or his girl are bothering you, I can beat him up" Ni-ki said with a grin

Everyone laughed and relaxed

"Are you ok though?" Heeseung said wrapping his arms around Ara

She paused for a second but said with a smile "Yeah, as long as you guys are with me"

"You're gonna make me cry" Jake laughed

Ara pov

"Now all of you get out, I'm tired" I spoke

They all grumbled but slowly started leaving

Except Jay

"Aren't you coming" Sunghoon asked him

"One minute" Jay responded

Sunghoon looked between the two of us but didn't ask further

After Sunghoon left, Jay walked towards me and sat beside me

"I'm sorry" he spoke quietly

"For what?" I asked

"For everything"

"It wasn't your fault, things just don't always go as planned" I leaned my head on his shoulder feeling drowsy

"Thank you for being here" I mumbled before closing my eyes

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