f o u r t e e n

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"Good morning class" my teacher spoke

It had been a week since my period incident. Jay had stayed by my side the whole time.
We played games and asked questions about each other to pass the time and it made us get closer to each other.
I had never really hung out with him enough to see his personality but it was good.

"Since the end of the year is coming up, we will be doing a partner project so you can all get your cooperation grades, this project is  a big part of your grade so try your hardest. Your partners have already been selected so when I call your name, go and sit with them"

I hope I get someone I like

"Jay, you are with Yera"

She was a cute girl that I hadn't really noticed before

"Sunghoon you are with Sunhee"
They smiled at eachother and Sunghoon winked

What is going on with those two?

She continued reading the other names but was cut off by the bell

"The rest of you will get your partners tomorrow, have a good day"

I walked over to Jay's desk and started chatting with him

"You know, you are a horrible boyfriend" I spoke

"What do you mean?" He frowned

"Don't get me wrong, you take care of me all the time, but that's it, we haven't really had the chance to show that we are dating" I explained

"Umm, still kinda confused"

"OK, you need to spice it up, flirt a little" I teased

"Flirt" he laughed "That's my expertise, babygirl" he chuckled

I got flustered not expecting him to say that "G-good, I guess"

At home

"Next month is packed" exclaimed Ni-ki

"Yes, it's been so boring" said Jake

"Whats happening next month?" I asked

"Oh we all decided to go camping with a few other classmates, and then on a weekend we're hosting a big party cause we're almost graduating"
Explained Sunoo while typing on his phone

"Yay, I haven't camped in a while."

"Who's coming to the party?" Asked Sunhee

"Some classmates, just a few people" Sunoo once again replied

Why do I have such a bad feeling?

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