t h i r t e e n

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Ara pov

What time is it? Jay's still here. I don't want to sleep but I don't have the strength to get up either

I decided to stare at Jay instead, to pass the time. I never realized how long his eyelashes were or how sharp his jawline was, his lips looked soft too. He's a real beauty up close.

I reached out my hand to touch his face but stopped remembering who it was.

My mind empty decided to go digging through memories one of my favourites


The sun streamed in from the windows of Sans room, I reached out my hands to search for him but he wasn't beside me

"San, where are you?" suddenly I heard soft music playing and San walked into the room with a tray full of food including a mini cake

"Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Ara happy birthday to you" he sang

I smiled so wide my cheeks started to hurt

"Awww Sannie" I squealed

"Happy birthday love" he smiled

"Thank you so much" I smothered him with pecks and pointed towards the tray

"What's this I see?" 

"Mademoiselle, I present to you breakfast in bed, with an assortment of dishes from Bacon and eggs to yogurt and fruits take your pick and last but not least, a birthday cake for the birthday girl," he said in a french accent

"Merci monsieur" I laughed

"Make a wish" he whispered softly

I close my eyes and blew out the candles I wish to be with this man for the rest of my life. 

He clapped and I laughed and he enveloped me in a big hug

End of flashback

I could still smell his vanilla scent and hear the warm laughter

I guess not all wishes come true.

I slowly got up and went down the stairs to go eat ice cream and watch a movie when I heard a small thump come from upstairs. Is that Jay?

I tiptoed up the stairs and saw Jay still sleeping peacefully, so I went to check the other rooms and finally got to Sunghoons room. I heard scuffling and decided to open the door to find A SHIRTLESS SUNGHOON ON TOP OF SUNHEE!!!

"Aaah oh my god, sorry for interrupting I'll just um head out" I stammered while covering my eyes

"N-no no you weren't interrupting anything, I just tr-" Sunghoon stammered while scrambling up to his feet

"Ahp" I stopped him "You don't need to tell me anything spare me the details" 

"It's really not what you think" chirped beet red Sunhee

"It's fine I'm already leaving" 

We really need to get locks on these doors

Sunhee pov

One hour earlier

"Ugh today was so busy" I collapsed onto the couch

"I know right, I'm so tired" groaned Sunghoon

"Go take a shower, I'll order pizza and we can watch a movie" 

"Yay!" he smiled So adorable

I ordered the pizza and tidied up

Ara, I have to go check on her

I walked up the stairs to her room and peeped it open a little. Awww her and Jay are so cute

I saw her with her head tucked into his chest She seems okay.

I didn't hear any sounds coming from Sunghoons room anymore so I walked in thinking he was downstairs.

I looked out his window so mesmerized by the beauty of the sky that I didn't realize that someone had opened the bathroom door. 

 Sunghoon's probably waiting, I should go

I turned sharply not watching where I was going and bashed into Sunghoon

I found myself on the floor rubbing my nose

"auugh" Sunghoon groaned

"Sorry, you good?" I said not opening my eyes fully

"Kinda, are you?" he asked

"Yeah yeah I'm f-" I then opened my eyes fully to see a shirtless Sunghoon face only inches from mine

I probably look like a tomato right now

Suddenly the door opened .

"Aaah oh my god, sorry for interrupting I'll just um head out" Ara stammered while covering her eyes

When did she get here? She must have gotten the wrong idea

Sunghoon tried to explain but she interrupted him 

"It's really not  what you think" I tried to explain but she wouldn't let me and just left.

" Sunghoon what was that?" I grumbled and he just laughed

I hit him on the chest "Not funny" before I could pull my hand back though he pulled It closer and put it back on his chest

"You're too cute" he smiled "Give me back my hand" I said giggling in embarrassment

"Are you sure? I have pretty nice abs don't you think?" He teased. What a flirt

He moved my hand to his cheek and looked me in the eyes "L-let go of m-my hand" I stammered extremely flustered 

"Why? You don't like me?" He moved my hand down to his lips

"Sunghoon" I was starting to get lightheaded, he started to move closer and my heart was going a mile a minute, before his lips could touch mine though, he turned toward my ear "Is the pizza here yet?"

"Ugh Sunghoon I hate you" I turned blood red from embarrassment and anger

"Don't tease me like that" I yelled but he just laughed grabbed a hoodie and ran down the stairs before I could catch him.

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