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The week after

This week had gone by so fast and I think the guys and Sunhee could sense something weird was going on so we were going to tell them tonight.

We all sat in the living room me and Jay on one seat and them on another.

Ahem "So the reason why I and Jay called you guys is that we have news"

Everyone stared at us expectantly

"Me and Ara" Jay started

"Are dating" I finished

Nobody moved for a minute

"Huh?" Jake said

"I don't get it," said Jungwon

"Lame joke," said Heeseung

Sunhee just stared at me

"We're not joking, me and Jay are actually dating" I repeated

That's when all hell broke loose

"DUDE WTF" yelled Ni-ki

"Ara please tell me you're joking" Sunhee pleaded

"I still don't get it," Said Jungwon

"HAHAHAHAHAHA" laughed Heeseung

Sunghoon and Jake were dancing singing "Jay got a girlfriend, Jay got a girlfriend"

Sunoo started taking selfies saying he had to document the moment.

After everything had died down Sunhee got up and checked my temperature and then she lightly slapped my cheek

"I'm trying to find a reason for why you would date Jay" She sneered his name

Ni-ki got up and went to Jay " What are you doing man? Congrats on getting a girl but her, seriously? you could do better" I smacked him on the head when he said that.

A few hours later

Everyone had seemed to get over the shock and we were all watching a movie now, me and Jay sat next to each other on the couch and I decided to put my legs on his lap, he looked at me in surprise but I gave him a thumbs up.

"What are you doing?" He whispered in my ear sending chills through my body

"Chill, this is what couples do" I whispered back

"oh" He nodded

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" I asked

"No no, you just took me by surprise" He replied


"HEY LOVEBIRDS! SHUT IT" yelled annoyed Ni-ki

"Yeah, we're trying to watch the movie" said Heeseung

"Get a room" chimed in Sunghoon

"Sheesh" I said, and Jay laughed.

Next day

Jay rode with me again today since we were now a "couple".

"We're here" I said parking my car

Jay got out and opened my door for me then he held my hand and we walked into the school together. People stared but I ignored them we then reached the classroom to find San and Hana all over each other gross. I ignored them too and followed Jay to his seat and sat on his desk.

I got close to his ear and whispered "What do you want to do after school?" He laughed and whispered back in my ear "I don't know, how bout we go out?" I giggled like he said something funny and said "Sure"

I turned my head to see San looking at me and Hana scoffing. I flashed them a smile.

"How about we go to a nightclub? I feel like getting drunk today" I grinned at Jay

"Sure" He smiled

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