t h i r t y f i v e

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2 days later,

Aras pov

"Eomma," I spoke into the phone

"Araaaa!" she squealed into the phone

I smiled into the phone while laying on my bed

Everyone was out getting things ready for our grad party. I, not in the mood, was at home. Jay had been ignoring me since the camping trip, and our last exchange was the one on the way back.

"My babbyy! How are you? How's Ni-ki?" she continued.

"I'm doing great and he is too. How's Appa?"

"Ah, he's fine"

"How's In-tak?"

"Oh, that silly boy, he's doing fine. He never stops blabbing about you. He misses you. We all do."

In-tak one of my dearest childhood friends that I left in America. 

"I've been thinking, maybe I'll come to visit"

I held the phone away from my ear to avoid the loud cry of joy coming from my mother.

"You've made my day! When are you coming?"

"How about tomorrow?" 

"Oh wonderful, are the boys and Sunhee coming?"

I paused before answering

"Um, I'm not su- No, they're not coming. I thought it would be nice if it was just a small trip."

"Ok, but what about your brother?" 

"Uh, he's on a trip with the boys"

"Aw, well he better come next time"

"Mhm, I have to go now, I'll see you tomorrow"

"Byee, I love you"

"Love you too"


"I'd better go pack"

Jay pov

"Wah, this is so nice" Jake exclaimed as we went inside a decor store

I seriously wanna go home.

"Yeah" I mumbled

"Yah, Hyung, what's up with you?" Ni-ki asked

"Yeah, you've been acting off since the camping trip. Did something happen with Ara?" Heeseung asked

I winced at her name. 

"No, nothing's wrong, I'm just tired.  I think I'm gonna head home early"

"Oh, ok" 

I walked to the exit when I realized it's raining. 

Shit, I don't have an umbrella 


Time skip

I drummed my hands on the steering wheel impatiently as the cars slowly moved.

Ara hadn't spoken to me since the drive home from the camping trip and neither have I. 

There were a billion things I wanted to say to her, but nothing I could form into words. Yet, I still missed her. Our group had never had any fights as big as this. We were all tightly woven together, no secrets, no lies, no drama. 

Until now. 

God, you can barely see anything through this rain. 

Honk! Honk!



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