t h i r t y

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Ara pov

I started wading back to the opening when Jay suddenly spoke


I turned around startled to see him with his arms wide open.


At that moment, I almost burst into tears again, because of how cute he was and because he was just making it harder and harder for me to keep my decision.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"What do you think? I want to give you a hug" he smiled

I laughed but walked over to him and into his arms.

So warm

Third-person pov

I hope she can't hear my heart racing Jay thought as he embraced her.

I wish we could stay like this.

Ara pov

I eventually pulled away because I knew if I didn't, I wouldn't be able to later on.

"Thank you" I spoke softly

"Any time"

"Now, let's go," I said swimming away quickly

Time skip

"Hey, Ara you're back" Jungwon spoke as I swam past them

"We were just about to go look for you" Jake chimed

"Yeah, and Jay disappeared too, do you know where he we-" Sunhee started but stopped when she saw Jay trailing after me

"Oooh, you guys just can't keep your hands off each other can ya" Ni-ki laughed

"Shut up Ni-ki" I smacked him on the head.

Sunhee laughed and turned back to me

"So, what were you doing with my brother that you had to leave the presence of your friends for?" she smirked

"None of your business"

"And wait, are you sick?"

I looked at her confused

"You look flushed" she touched my head checking my temperature

"Or are you perhaps, blushing?" she continued with a smug grin

I brushed her hand off me and looked away

*Gasp* "You are! Wow, my brother really did a number on you" she laughed

"Tch, whatever"

I walked away and she followed still laughing.

San pov

Two hours later

Ever since Ara and Hana had come back from the shopping trip, Ara had been eyeing me strangely. Did Hana say something? I'll talk to her tonight.

Yera pov

I watched as Jay unloaded the meat from the cooler to season. He even looks good doing that. Tch I'm going crazy.
You know what, no harm is going to be done, I'm not expecting anything.

I'm going to tell him tonight.

Jay pov

As I unloaded the meat, my mind managed to wander to Ara as usual.
She's been putting on such a strong front but is clearly going through a hard time. San didn't deserve her. I knew it from the start.

I wish she could see who really loves her.

Ara pov

I nibbled on a pepero stick as I sat in one of the bean bags brought over.
Jay has helped me through so much this past month and it's not the first time. When we were kids because me and Sunhee were so close naturally me and Jay got close too. Jay was always taking care of me. He had my back no matter what, he was my shoulder to cry on, he taught me to be tough, he scared away the guys. In more ways than one he was like a brother to me. I had once liked Jay in middle school but I had never done anything about my feelings and they faded away into a sense of adoration instead of interest.

I don't want to hurt him, but I have to.
I'm ending things tonight.

Author nim- So many things happening 'tonight' ooohhh. 😏

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