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At home

Jay pov

Ara had been holed up in her room for an hour and she sounded like she was in pain.

I called Sunhee

I need your help- Me

What happened? Is she ok?- Sunhee

It sounds like someone's dying in there- Me

Oh gosh-Sunhee

Listen to these instructions carefully- Sunhee


Get a heating stomach pad for her first, next go make some soup, then go get some sweets, and do not I repeat DO NOT deny whatever she asks for unless it could put her in danger- Sunhee

Um ok should I be worried-Me

If you don't follow the instructions, yes- Me

Your call has been ended

Sheesh, why so dramatic?

I carefully followed the instructions she gave me and when I was done I sat by her bed on my phone

"Get off your phone" she mumbled


"Just because, dumbass" she snapped

"Ok, fine calm down" I started pacing in her room, bored

"Can you stop?" she asked

"What do you want me to do then?"

"Sleep with me" she replied

"WHAT?!" I yelled thinking of the other meaning

"Not like that, you're so dirty-minded" she rolled her eyes

"My heating pad is getting cold and I want some warmth" she spoke softly

"And plus whenever I'm going through this my mom was always there to give me hugs and stay with me, but you're barely paying attention to me and won't s-sit still" She started to cry

Jay, you're such an idiot

"I-I'm sorry, I don't usually do stuff like this and I was just worried"

She looked away from me and sniffled

"Do you still want me to sleep with you?" I asked

She just nodded her head cutely Where did the intimidating girl from that night go?

I climbed into the bed and hugged her until she fell asleep

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