Some incorrect quotes because i dont have the will to write

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Wow I haven't updated this in forever. Sorry for that. I've just not been in the best place mentally and I haven't been as active in the sanders sides fandom at all.

But here are some incorrect quotes I came up with that may or may not be inspired by things I would do or I have done

Tw: minor cursing

Roman, sitting downstairs peacefully: *hears screaming from upstairs*

Roman, going into Virgil's room: Virgil what the hell are you doing?

Virgil, sitting in the corner of his closet as King for a Day by Pierce the Veil is blasting full volume from his speakers right at a loud screaming part, voice completely monotone as he stares into the void: Relaxing.

Virgil: I made the choice to wear all black with skinny jeans knowing it would be 90 degrees today. I'm regretting it now.

Patton, hiking up the side of a very unstable looking rocky cliff: hold on I need to take a picture of this mushroom

Virgil after listening to a song on repeat for an hour imagining himself performing it differently each time: that's it I'm starting a band

Roman, not looking up from his phone: Virgil this is the fourth time this week. It's only Tuesday

Roman: so I saw a shirt at the store that I thought said "Mama Mia" but then I noticed it didn't spell it that way.


Roman: then I noticed it said "Mia Mi" so I thought it was a nam of a famous person

Virgil: Who's Mia Mi? 

Roman: I'm not finished.  I looked closer and saw that it actually said "Miami." 

And that's all the energy I have for today. Have a good day guys gals and non-binary pals

(Also ignore any spelling/grammar mistakes I don't have the energy to edit this)

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