In A Dream (Prinxiety, Logicality)

707 27 25

Yep. I'm doing it again. (3022 words)

Tw: descriptions or nightmares, panic attacks, crying, sexual innuendo, making out, implied sex, drinking alcohol.


Virgil walked though the garden. Roses of every color lined the thin gravel path. Cherry trees towered over his head, and the pink dappled light filtered down and washed over the path.

He walked past rosy gold gates that reflected the sunset's light. The path opened up and gradually disappeared under his feet. It led him to a dark gold field of grass, the blades almost reaching up to his waist.

He came to a lone tree, standing upright in the middle of the field. There was someone sitting on a branch. As Virgil approached, the man jumped down.

The man was dressed like a literal Disney prince, with gold accents across his chest and a red sash diagonally slicing his body. He smiled as Virgil came closer.

"Good night, my love," He said, bringing Virgil's hand to his lips and kissing it lightly. "I got you something."

He pulled a vibrant purple hibiscus from behind his back, and offered it to Virgil. Virgil gasped, and took it.

"Ro, you really didn't have to," Virgil said. Roman smiled, and held his hand out. Virgil handed the flower back, and Roman took it. Roman cupped Virgil's cheek with his hand, and put the flower behind his ear.

Virgil reaches up one hand to his face and touched the flower gently.

"Do you remember what hibiscus's mean?" Roman asked, his hand making his way to Virgil's waist. Virgil thought to himself for a second before answering.

"Delicate beauty..." Virgil said softly. Roman smiled warmly.

"Exactly. I love you, mi amore," Roman said. Virgil birdied his face in Roman's neck, savoring the illusion of his warmth.

They went over to the tree and sat on one of it's branches, just watching the sunset.

As the sun slowly sank behind the horizon, Virgil laid his head on Roman's shoulder.

Then he felt himself slip backwards. His world went black as he expected to hit the ground. He felt himself fall farther, as if he was falling through the deep ocean.

He looked down, and he could see land. It was dark, but it was there. He felt as if he couldn't breath, as if he was drowning. He tried to go down, but the ground didn't seem to come any closer. He looked back up, and saw Roman looking down at him. He was yelling something, worry shadowing his face.

Virgil couldn't hear him. He kept going deeper into the darkness, but not seeming to get any closer to land.

His lungs ached. His heart stung. His head hurt. He desperately took a breath, only to inhale nothing. He closed his eyes, slipping into full darkness.

Then he woke up.

The alarm clock blared in Virgil's ear. He took a gulp of air, relaxing as he felt the cool morning wash over his lungs.

Another nightmare.

Virgil fell back in his bed, reminiscing over the last moments of the dream. The ones before he fell into the abyss.

The ones where he was with Roman.

Every night, you would 'wake up' in a shared dream with your soulmate. Virgil's soulmate was Roman. They had never met, and may not ever. The dream prevented them from telling locations.

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