Kittens and Sunrises (Prinxiety)

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Virgil slowly woke up and in the middle of the night. It was close to one a.m, and Virgil had woken up at this time every night for a few months now. Every night he would sneak out of his room and go to the old bridge over the steam in the forest in the Imagination.

He quietly shuffled around his room, looking for his jacket. He found it by his dresser on the ground, and he quickly put it on. Virgil stuffed his phone in his pocket, grabbed a small backpack, and quietly opened his door. He crept out of the mindscape, silently passing Patton's room. Then Logan's. He passed Janus' room and Remus'. He passed Roman's room. His room was the closest to the imagination. Virgil looked around and dashed into the dark Imagination, not needing a light. He knew where he was going.

He did fail to see one thing though. Patton's Light has been off. Logan's Light has been off. Both Janus and Remus' lights were off.

But he didn't see the dim light streaming out from under Roman's door.


Where in the world was he going?

The question had plagued Roman every night for about a month now. Every night, at around one a.m, Virgil awoke and scampered off into the Imagination, always in the same direction. He would come back around three.

As Roman waited around for a little while before he heard footsteps coming back. Feigning just woken up, he opened his door to Virgil. The purple clad side had messy hair an no makeup, he was in loose fitting pajamas that had a black cat on it. Virgil just stared at Roman in shock before Roman spoke.

"Hey Vee, what plagues-" Roman said, cut off by a fake yawn. "Your sleep tonight?"

God, why does he have to be so cute? Roman thought. Wait, what?

Virgil hesitated for a quick second before responding.

"I just wanted to get some fresh air," Virgil said, pretty obviously lying.

"You sure about that? Every night for the last month?" Roman said, getting closer to Virgil. Their faces were close now. Roman saw Virgil blush slightly, and his heart soared.

How is it possible for someone to be so freaking cute?

Virgil rolled his eyes, giving up on his facade.

"Fine. I'll show you tomorrow night. Okay?" He muttered. Roman nodded.

"It's a date!" Roman joked. Virgil's face went bright red.

"I guess so," He said. "I'm gonna go to sleep now," Virgil said, smiling warmly. "Goodnight, Princey."

And with that Virgil walked away and Roman closed his door. The rest of the night was filled with questions.

What was Virgil doing in the Imagination every night?

Why did he try to lie to him at first?

Was it really a date? Or was Virgil joking?

—Time skip brought by Anxious Gay™—

As the next day went by, Virgil didn't talk to Roman much. Thomas didn't do a video, so they didn't really need to.

Sure enough, after Roman went to bed, he was woken up by a knock on his door. He picked up his phone and looked at the time.

One in the morning.

He quickly got up and opened the door to see Virgil,

"You ready to go?" Virgil asked quietly. Roman nodded, not really taking in what Virgil was saying.

He is so freaking cute how-

Roman's thoughts were cut short as Virgil grabbed his hand and pulled him along. Roman felt his face heat up, and was glad Virgil couldn't see him in the dark.

They walked for a few minutes before Virgil let go of Roman's hand to fish his phone out of his pocket. He turned the flashlight on and shined it ahead of them.

After about ten more minutes of walking they walked into a forest. About ten minutes after they, that came to a bridge.

"Wait here," Virgil said, handing Roman his flashlight. He crept forward and took off his backpack. He pulled out a small bag of something and shook it. As he did, Roman looked across the bridge.

Fifteen to twenty cats came running across the bridge, meowing repeatedly. Roman stood in awe as he watched the cats climb all over Virgil. And Virgil laughed. It was a beautiful laugh, full of joy and excitement.

"God, you're adorable," Roman said. Virgil looked back at him, blushing although Roman couldn't see it.

"Frick I said that out loud," Roman said. "Well then, um, I like you Virgil. More than a friend."

This time, he could see Virgil smile. He quickly stood up and walked over to Roman. He pulled Roman closer and put his arms around his waist.

"I- I like you too," Virgil breathed. Roman could feel Virgil's breath on his lips, and his own breath hitched in his throat. He looked to Virgil's beautiful caramel eyes, and back to his lips. Virgil got the message and closed the gap between them.

The kiss was sweet, and Virgil tasted like vanilla. Roman felt as if he could fly. He carefully put his arms around Virgil's waist, as if any amount of force would shatter him. They only broke apart when Roman felt a cat rub up agains his legs.

"I think he like you," Virgil said, smiling. They both walked back over to the bridge and sat down, Virgil in Roman's arms. They pet the cats as they ate the food Virgil brought them. Eventually Virgil fell asleep with Roman running his hands through his hair. Roman laid back, and Virgil huddled closer to him. Then he drifted off to sleep, holding Virgil as he held him.


When Virgil awoke, it was almost dawn. The early morning light was filtering through the trees, leaving a dappled web of light on the forest floor. He looked over to see he was snuggled into Roman's chest. He gasped, and smiled as he remembered the night before. He felt Roman stir, and looked up to see his eyes flutter open.

"Hey gorgeous," Roman said drowsily. Virgil smiled and blushed.

"Good morning my prince," Virgil said back. Roman chuckled and tilted Virgil's chin up with his hand. He closed the gap between them for a few seconds before pulling away.

And they laid there for what felt like both a millisecond and an eternity. Eventually the sun came up more and they went back to the mindscape.

Part two? Yeah I'm doing a part two. Eventually. (1079 words)

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