Kitten (no ship, pure fluff)

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*set before SvS redux*

*so Janus hasn't revealed his name but I'm still gonna use the name Janus because I can*


Janus sat in his room, reading a book. He was extremely bored.

Walking over to his pet snake's tank, he sighed, he reached his hand in, and the banana ball python flicked her tongue and started slithering onto Janus' arm. Janus chuckled.

"I'm going to go get food," he told the snake. "I'll be back soon and then I'll let you out."

Janus nudged the snake off his arm and closed the glass door. He sunk out and appeared a few seconds later in the hallway leading to the kitchen.

As he walked in, he noticed Virgil, Roman, Patton, and Logan all kneeling over a cardboard box. Patton was grinning ear to ear, squealing. He saw Virgil glance around and stop when he saw Janus.

"Hello, Deceit," he said, venom in his voice. "What do you want?"

"I came to get food," Janus hissed. "Not to terrorize you."

"Come see this, Deceit!" Patton squealed. He reached his hand inside the box and a little mewl could be heard. Janus sighed, knowing Patton would never let him walk out without seeing what was in the box.

He walked over and peered into the box, letting out a gasp.

It was a kitten, but not a normal kitten. This one had two faces. Not one face split in half with different colors, or two different eye colors. No, this kitten actually had two faces. It had two mouths, and more than two eyes. Their two middle eyes connected on the middle of their two faces.

"Isn't she interesting, Deceit?" Roman asked. Virgil shot Roman a glare.

"She's perfect," Janus said quietly, trashing over to pet the top of the kitten's head.

"She is a Janus Kitten. She was born with the deformity of having two faces," Logan said, scribbling something in a notebook.

"Yes, a Janus kitten, Deceit," Virgil sneered. Janus shot him a glare, making it so that he stayed quiet.

Yes, Virgil knew Janus' name. He was part of the dark sides after all. Janus however, had made sure Virgil could never tell.

"Does she have a name?" Janus asked, trying to change the subject. Patton nodded excitedly. 

"Her name's Loki!" He said. Janus nodded, chuckling as Loki rubbed against his hand.

  "Aww, I think she likes you," Patton said.

"Yeah, I wonder why," Virgil hissed under his breath. Roman shot him a questioning glare, but Virgil didn't respond. That was Janus' doing.

"Is it okay if I pick her up?" Janus asked Patton. Patton nodded.

"It should be. Logan?" Patton said, looking expectantly at Logan.

"Yes, it will be fine if Deceit picked the kitten up," Logan replied, still scribbling in his notebook.

Janus nodded, and gently grasped Loki.

Loki mewled, but calmed down when she was held close to Janus' chest. Loki huddled close in Janus' hands.

"Aww," Patton squealed quietly. Loki has closed her eyes and had started falling asleep. Janus smiled, before he realized something.

"Will she survive?" He asked, looking at Logan. Everyone, even Virgil looked shocked by the question.

"I don't know," Logan said, sounding defeated. "It's extremely rare, but not impossible, for a Janus kitten to make it into adulthood."

Janus nodded, looking down at Loki.

"But, it's not impossible. I have been caring for her for two days now, and she seems strong," Logan said. Janus' heart lifted. Maybe there was hope for Loki after all.

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So Janus kittens are a real thing. I really wanted to write this lol.

Also, why is drawing so hard? I've been trying to draw Remus for the entire day now. My eraser is almost nonexistent.


In front of you is a pile of hundreds of coins. Each coin has two sides, on silver and one gold. They are identical, so you cannot feel the difference. The only way you can tell the difference between the two sides is seeing the gold or the silver.

In the stacks of coins, twenty are silver side up.

All of a sudden, the lights go off and you cannot see anything.

How can you get an equal amount of silver side up coins into two piles?

(The amount of gold side up coins in the pile doesn't matter. You could have 200 gold side up in one pile and 20 in the other and that would be acceptable)

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