Incorrect Quotes + Other Stuff

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Tw: mentions of guns

Virgil, talking to Logan: So Janus and I were playing Among Us and Janus started talking to this random person

Janus, in the corner, starts laughing. Logan is confused.

Virgil: He convinced this random person that he was British!

Logan, very confused: How?

Virgil: I have no idea but he did. He started talking with this random person about the mess of politics surrounding guns.

Logan: So he talked from the perspective of a British person in a place where guns are banned-

Virgil: No, he said they were allowed to have guns.

Janus and Virgil laughed harder.

Logan: This poor person is so misinformed.

^^^Inspired by a real event that happened with my friend. She convinced someone she was British and talked about politics and it was hilarious.

Logan, doing a word scramble thing: What words can be spelled with the letters D, O, K, C, O, E, and I?

Patton after thinking for a bit: Cooked!

Remus, immediately: Dick
And here's a thing from Merlin because I have become obsessed with that show

Virgil: I may be a wimp, but at least I'm not a... dollop head

Roman: There's no such word.

Virgil: It's idiomatic.

Roman: It's what?

Virgil: You need to be more in touch with people.

Roman: Describe "dollop head."

Virgil: In two words?

Roman: Yeah.

Virgil, without hesitation: Prince Roman
And that's the end of the Merlin thing.

Logan, grumbling: Christmas needs to stay in December.

Roman, playfully glaring at Virgil, who is across the room: At least you don't start to celebrate Halloween in July.

Logan: Halloween is the only thing keeping Christmas from coming up further into the year.

Virgil: the goth kids hold the line

Okay, I just needed to post something in here. It's been forever.

Anyway, I have kept up with the updating of Royal Red Roses. To those who do not know, it is (roughly) based on my "Kingdoms" one shot. It's a fantasy book.

And I'm planning for another book to come out either this coming Wednesday or the next. It's a sci fi/futuristic one instead of fantasy. Normally I write fantasy but I wanted to give futuristic/sci fi a try.

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