Practice (Prinxiety)

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"Hey, Virgil, would you mind helping me?" Roman asked. He and Virgil had been sitting in the common room, not making eye contact and pretending each other didn't exist.

Except for the little glances Virgil would shoot at Roman. Now, Virgil looked up from his phone and at Roman.

"Help with what?" Virgil asked.

"Practicing with swords," Roman said. Virgil shrugged, trying not to smirk.

"Sure I guess," he said. In reality, Virgil knew a thing or two about sword fighting.

"Awesome! Thanks Vee," Roman said, smiling. "I'm gonna go change, I'll be right back."

Virgil nodded, and Roman got up and went to his room.

A few minutes later, Roman came out of his room wearing a tight white long sleeved bodysuit. Virgil couldn't help but stare. Roman however, took that as a sign of  Virgil not having a suit.

"Don't worry, there's more in the Imagination," Roman said. Virgil nodded, tearing his eyes away from Roman.

"See," Roman said, pointing to a small house-like building. "There's extra suits and practice swords in there."

Virgin nodded and headed over to the building. When he got inside, he could see there was only two rooms. One was basically a late modified closet, with clothes hanging everywhere. The other was a bathroom.

He quickly grabbed a suit, a black one with purple fingerless gloves, and went to change. When he was done, he walkout out and grabbed a sword.

He walked over to where Roman was, and saw him staring at him.

"Like what you see, Princey?" Virgil said, smirking.

"Of course, Hot Topic," Roman said. Virgil blushed under his makeup.

"Aww, you think I'm hot," Virgil said, urging his face to go back to normal.

Roman walked over and grabbed his sword, motioning for Virgil to follow him. Virgil did, and Roman started explaining the rules.

"Alright, no hurting on purpose, no hitting below the waist, and you win if you tap the other person," Roman explained. Virgil paid attention although he already knew.

"Got that?"

Virgil nodded.

"Okay, go!" Roman said. He swung his sword, but Virgil easily blocked it.

"That the best you got?" Virgil teased, attacking.

"Not at all, kitten," Roman said, blocking Virgil's attack. This went of for a few minutes, before Virgil wasn't fast enough and Roman was able to hit him lightly in the side with his sword.

"Ha! Got you," Roman said. He held up his sword again. "Ready for round two?"

Virgil smirked, tightening his grip on his sword. 

"You betcha," he said, surging forward and attacking. He attacked Roman ruthlessly, forcing him to block him. He never gave Roman the chance to attack him back.

Roman started taking steps backwards, Virgil following him and forcing him to keep going.

Virgil spotted a nearby tree, and started pushing Roman towards it.

"Didn't know you were this good, my chemically imbalanced romance," Roman said, panting. Virgil smirked.

"Bet there's a lot of things you didn't know about me," Virgil said.

He pushed Roman until his back hit the tree. Virgil put the sword up to Roman's throat. Their bodies were pressed against each other. Roman's sword was behind Virgil's sword, trapped against his own throat.

"God, you're so hot," Roman breathed out. Virgil looked at him, surprised.

"Excuse me?" Virgil said.

"I- uh, I think you're hot?" Roman said. "And you're really cute. I love your personality. I love the way you pretend to not care about us, but you really do. I love the way you laugh. I love... you."

Virgil looked at him, disbelief in his eyes.

"And I just- ugh, just please kiss me," Roman said.

So Virgil did. He leaned in, catching Roman's lips in his own. He lowered his sword, and so did Roman.

Their lips moved in unison, and Virgil let his hand drift up to Roman's hair, pulling him closer. The kiss was soft. Virgil's sword clattered to the ground.

Roman put his arms around Virgil's waist, not dropping his sword. He spun him around so that Virgil was the one pinned to the tree. Virgil dunk into a sitting position.

Roman broke the kiss, and put the tip of his sword under Virgil's chin.

"Ha, I win," Roman said. Virgil frowned. Had that all been fake? It didn't feel fake. But Roman was and actor. Seeing this, Roman threw the sword aside and sunk to his knees in front of Virgil, putting a hand on Virgil's hip and making Virgil shiver. He leaned in close to Virgil's ear.

"Just so you know, everything I said was true," Roman whispered. He pulled back and looked into Virgil's eyes.

Virgil's mouth was slightly open, and he bit his lip. Roman put two fingers under Virgil chin and lifted his head.

Virgil closed the gap between them. Roman kissed back immediately. He cupped Virgil's cheek lightly, running his other hand up Virgil's side.

Virgil's hands once again found their way to Roman's hair. His heart felt like a horse galloping around his chest as he pulled Roman closer.

Roman smiled into the kiss. Virgil felt as if he could do anything.

They broke apart after what felt like years, both panting. Roman smiled and moved, sitting next to Virgil. Virgil huddled close, his arms wrapped around Roman's waist. He laid his head on Roman's shoulder.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for this," Roman whispered, laying his head on Virgil's. Virgil smiled.

"You didn't have to wait that long, Ro," Virgil whispered back. "I was waiting for you."

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So right now I'm really motivated to continue my WIP book because my dad said they/them pronouns are not singular and there's a non-binary character in it.

In other news, I'm starting to celebrate Halloween early because I want rainbow skeletons. Also because I found a mashup of Come Little Children and The Hanging Tree and it's really pretty.

I also want to write a song because I'm bored out of my mind. I have no idea how to do it but I'll do it.


Black dancing on white
Creation out of nothing
Tales of heroes
Tales of the fight.

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Prinxiety Oneshots By Me Where stories live. Discover now