In the Eighteenth Century (Prinxiety, Logicality, and Demus)

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Frick it I'm writing another long one shot.
Again, this one is long. ( 4,597  words)

Tw: censored cursing, sexual innuendo, sexual jokes, making out, Remus

Roman sat in his carriage along with his adviser Logan, his brother Remus, and one of the stable hands. The other stable hand was leading the carriage.

"Say, Logan, what do you wish to do when we get to the winter cabin?" Roman asked.

"I believe I shall collect sample of the foliage before the first snows arrive," Logan replied. Remus wasn't listening, he was staring out the open window at the trail.

"Hmm, a valiant choice," Roman said, bored. They had been traveling to the winter cabin for two days now, and they worried about the first snows blocking their way past the gorge.

The gorge was the final stretch for the race, so to speak. It was a mile deep scar in the ground. If it snowed, it would be incredibly difficult- no, impossible to get past.

"What do you intend to do, Patton?" Logan asked the stable hand.

"I'm not sure, sir. I wish to just stay in the garden all day. You know, the one with the roses that bloom even in the winter," Patton said. Logan shook his head, which worried Patton for a few moments before Logan spoke.

"I've told you, you may call me Logan, Patton. I really don't mind," Logan said. Roman could see a slight blush creep into Patton's face at this, and immediately felt bad.

Homosexuality was illegal, but it was clear Logan and Patton liked each other more than friends. But, because of the law, they had to stay in an eternal state of pining.

Personally, Roman didn't care who you loved as long as it was real. His parents had been an arranged marriage, and he saw them 'tolerate' each other.

"That sounds enjoyable," Logan said.

"Guys-" Remus started.

"I would love to join you, if you allow me?" Logan said.


"I'd love that, Logan," Patton said. The carriage slowed and came to a sudden stop.

"Guys, the sno-"

There was a click as the carriage door opened, and a darkly dressed man jumped back as Remus toppled out.

"Oh, I apologize," he said, smirking and having obviously done that on purpose. Remus glared up at him and growled.

"What do you need, Virgil?" Roman asked, smiling at the stable hand. Virgil shot him a smile, a rare occurrence from the dark man.

"It is starting to snow, sir," Virgil said urgently.

"Remus, you were looking out the window! Why didn't you tell us?" Roman asked as his brother got back into the carriage. Remus glared at him and muttered under his breath.

"I did you little-"

"Language!" Patton burst out.

"German- wait what?" Logan said, just hearing the end of the conversation. "Sorry, I spaced out. What were you saying about the snow?" He said to Patton, then to Virgil.

"It's starting to snow. It will make it nearly impossible to cross the gorge," Virgil said.

"Hmm, it would seem wise to try and find a shelter," Logan replied.

"Yes. It would," Roman said.

"How about Virgil and I go and scout out for a more sheltered area?" Patton asked.

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