Dare (Prinxiety)

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"Truth or dare?"

"Dare, obviously," Roman said. He and Patton were playing truth or dare and it was almost midnight.

To be honest, the game had been pretty boring so far. Only Patton and Roman were playing, Logan reading a book in the far corner of the room and occasionally slipping in remarks about how the dates were unrealistic.

Patton almost always chose truth. And while that did get some information out of him, it wasn't too exiting. The times he did choose dare Roman didn't have the heart to dare him to do something that would spice up the game.

"Okay, I dare you to almost kiss Virgil," Patton said, a mischievous grin spreading on his face.

"Excuse me?" Roman asked, staring at Patton.

"You heard me, silly. Go up to Virgil and almost kiss him but don't."

Roman opened his mouth but didn't say anything. His mind raced with questions. Had Patton figured out that he liked Virgil in a more than friend way? If he didn't before, Patton sure would know now, with the way Roman had turned bright red.

"I- uh, isn't he asleep? It's almost midni- never mind," Roman said, stopping when he remembered that Virgil did not actually sleep until around three in the morning. "Can I do a different dare?"

"The rules are that you must do the dare assigned to you, Roman," Logan said, closing his book and looking at both Roman and Logan.

"Rules are rules," Patton said, smirking.

"Redundant, but yes."

"I- fine." Roman stood up, his heart already about to jump out of his chest. He heard snickers and whispers as he left the room, presumably from Patton.

Well, I'm not going to actually kiss him. Roman made up his mind. No, he would not actually kiss Virgil, especially if Virgil indicated in any way that he didn't want it.

He got to Virgil's door, taking a deep breath before he knocked.

"Virgil? Are you awake?" He asked, cursing himself for how nervous he sounded.

"Yeah," came the muffled reply. "Come on if you want."

Roman opened the door, seeing Virgil under a pile of blankets.

Why did he have to be so freaking adorable right now? Roman whined in his head, feeling his cheeks warm up a bit.

"Do you need something, Princey?" Virgil asked, throwing the blankets off of himself and standing up.

It was now or never. Roman walked forward, getting close enough to feel Virgil's breath. Virgil stepped back, followed by Roman stepping forward until Virgil's back was against the wall.

Virgil's breath was ragged on Roman's face. Roman's heart was like a stampede of wildebeest. They stayed so still that they could have been statues.

Just as Roman was about to pull away; just as he was about to profusely apologize and then proceed to hide in his room for the next week, Virgil grabbed his sash and pulled him in.

Their lips connected, and Roman could feel the longing, lust, and impatience in Virgil's kiss. He quickly kissed back, his hands slipping behind Virgil's hips. Virgil's arms wrapped around Roman's waist.

Roman pulled one of his hands up Virgil's side, brushing the fabric of his skeleton onesie. He gently cupped Virgil's face.

"Roman? Did you- oh-" Patton said, trailing off when he saw Roman and Virgil.

Roman quickly stepped back, both his and Virgil's face bright red.

"Well, wasn't expecting this. I- uh- gonna go back now," Patton said, obviously trying to keep a smile off his face. He quickly walked away.

A quiet and exited "Logan my son has a boyfriend!" Could he heard from where Roman and Virgil were, and they both laughed.

"So..." Virgil grabbed Roman's hand, pulling him to face him. "Boyfriends?" He asked, face going red.

"Of course, mi amor," Roman said, pulling Virgil into another kiss.

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Spur of the moment update because I really should be working on my WIP but I've gotten distracted worldbuilding for a different story. The mermaid prompt is... coming along. Slowly, but I'll get it out eventually.

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