Into the Unkown I (Prinxiety)

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Into the Unknown I (Prinxiety)

Virgil sat on his bed, playing "Build God, Then We'll Talk" By P!ATD through his earbuds. He had a sketchbook on his lap, and a half finished rose drawing on it. Then he heard a knock at his door.

"Come in," he said. He took one earbud out as Roman entered the room.

"Hey V, we need you a video," Roman said.

"And what are we doing in that video?" Virgil asked, not bothering to get up.

"We're watching another movie," Roman said. Virgil smiled to himself. The last time they all watched a movie together Roman said that he shows his appreciation for things by criticizing them. This gave Virgil a little hope because, well, he had a tiny crush on the princely side. Ok, maybe not tiny.

"Alright, I'm coming," Virgil said.

Roman nodded, closed the door.

Virgil quickly put his stuff down and paused his music. He walked out of his room. He sunk down and appeared Thomas' living room a second later. He walked over and took his place on the couch. Roman was right beside him, but the princely side didn't mind. He was the last one to arrive, so Thomas hit record on the camera and play on the movie.

Oh no, Virgil thought. No not this movie! Anything but this movie!

The movie was Frozen 2.

Virgil's breathing became quicker. Into the Unknown was in this movie. And so far Virgil has never been able to stay quiet when it played. He took a deep breath. He knew all the words to the song because Brendon Urie covered it.

Hopefully I'll be able to stay quiet this time, he thought.

He watched the movie, mostly in silence, except for a few comments on the movie. Then he stiffened as he heard the familiar notes of Into the Unknown, albeit vocalized and not on a guitar. The song was a little slower than the cover, but it didn't make much of a difference in stopping Virgil from singing. He started mouthing along, then whispering it under his breath. Then the chorus came.

Virgil took a deep breath, like he had done so many times before, and sang.

"Into the Unknown! Into the Unknown! Into the Unknown!" He sang, hitting the high note perfectly. He didn't care that everyone was probably staring at him. He just felt at home with the music.

"Ah ah ah ah" Virgil heard a voice sing. Not daring to look over, he felt a slight blush rise on his cheeks. He recognized the voice of Roman.

They continued to sing the song, Virgil singing the words and Roman vocalizing. When the song was over, a Virgil's face was bright pink.

He snapped his head toward Thomas.

"Cut that out of the video," he demanded.

"Mmm, I don't think I will..." Thomas said,

Virgil's voice suddenly echoed.

"Cut it out or I will make sure you don't get any sleep for the rest of the month."

"I can get through your antics," Thomas said.

"What about mine and Remus'?" Virgil asked threateningly.

"Need something Virgie?" Remus asked as he popped up behind Thomas, making him jump.

Virgil looked at Thomas.

"Well Thomas, do I need him?"

"No," Thomas said quickly.

Logan and Patton just looked at them, not daring to say anything. After a few seconds of silence Remus sunk out and Roman leaned over and whispered something in Virgil's ear.

"You sing really well."

*** Time Skip brought to you by me

When the movie had ended, Virgil hear the guitar notes of Brendon Urie's cover start.

I didn't know Disney put his cover in the movie, he thought. Quickly, Virgil sunk out so he wouldn't sing again.

He walked through the hallway on the way to his room, but spun around as he heard running footsteps.

It was Roman.

"Virgil!" He called out. When he reached the emo side he looked down, fiddling with a button on his shirt.

"Yes, Princey?" Virgil asked, raising one eyebrow.

"I- um- I'm just gonna say it before I lose the confidence again" Roman stammered out.
"I like you. Like, more than a friend. I like your voice, your hair, your personality." Roman said. He looked up at Virgil, cheeks as red as his sash.

"I like you."

Virgil didn't know what to say. He was blushing so hard that it showed through his makeup. He lurched forward and hugged Roman, and the prince hesitated before hugging him back. When they pulled back Virgil gave Roman a quick peck on the lips, turning an even brighter red, if that's was possible.

"I- I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking- I should h-have-" Virgil stammered.

"Shh," Roman soothed, pulling Virgil in for another hug and rubbing his back. When they looked at each other again, Roman got a mischievous smile on his face.

"Two can play at that game," he said before connecting their lips for a few seconds longer that Virgil had.

Virgil wrinkled his nose when Roman pulled away.

"Oh really?" He sled, arching his eyebrow. He pulled the prince by his shirt and kissed him for even longer.

"Let's play the game then."

They continued to kiss each other passionately, each kiss longer than the other.

Virgil had an idea. He shoved Roman against the wall and put even more force into the kiss. Roman's hands entangled with the emo's hair and pulled him closer. They sank onto the ground, Virgil straddling Roman on his knees. Roman let one of his hands drift down and pulled Virgil closer by his waist, making Virgil gasp. They then pushed their tongues into each other's mouths.

Virgil slipped his hands under Roman's shirt, and the princely side shivered. Roman slipped his hand under Virgil's shirt and hoodie, causing Virgil to also shiver. They moved their hands up and down each other's spines. Roman pressed his body closer to Virgil's. They didn't even care to stop when footsteps sounded coming their way.

"Whatcha doing there Virgie?" Remus asked.

Virgil opened his eye slightly and rolled his eyes. Not breaking the kiss, he removed one of his hands and gave Remus the middle finger. Remus smirked.

"It would be a shame if everyone were to be summoned right now.." he said menacingly. Virgil pulled out of the kiss, much to Roman's disappointment.

"You tell anyone and you're dead," Virgil said, glaring at Remus. Roman nodded, not even looking at his brother. He gently turned Virgil's head towards his with two fingers under his chin. Virgil obliged, shooting one last glare at Remus, who just nodded. The emo plunged back into the kiss, barely noticing as Remus passed by.

When the finally pulled apart again, after who knows how long, they pressed their foreheads together.

"So, you wanna go on a date Friday?" Roman asked quietly, smiling.

"Of course sir sing-a-lot," Virgil breathed.

A/N So I am doing a part 2 to this. It doesn't really relate to the song of movie but it's more or a continuation of the Remus thing. I will also take a few requests if people see this. 1195 words.

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