After II

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(SvS spoilers)

(A rare Demus chapter)

Tw- more crying

"Hey! What did you do-" Virgil snapped. The words echoed in Janus' mind. As he tried his best to ignore Virgil and a crying Roman, he felt tears threaten to stab through his own eyes. When he sunk down, he felt the tears fall.

When he reappeared, he was in Remus' room. Remus was on his bed on his phone. When he saw Janus, he had a huge smile on his face.

"Hey DeeDee-" but that smile quickly faded. He quickly threw his phone aside and stood up.

"Jan, are you okay?" Remus asked, his voice laced with worry. Janus felt tears stream out of his eyes, and he ran forward and latched onto Remus. The other side was clearly surprised, but quickly hugged him back.

"I'm sorry," Janus whispered. Remus pulled back so that he could look at Janus.

"Hey, it's okay. Why are you sorry?" Remus asked.

"I s-said that if R-Roman had a mustache I-I wouldn't be a-able to tell who the e-evil twin was," Janus whispered, his hands grasping onto Remus' shirt. "I m-made it sound like y-you were e-evil."

"Hey, it's okay. I know I'm not the- er- easiest to deal with, but I still love you," Remus said, wiping the tears off of Janus' scaled cheek.

"I love you," Janus whispered after a while. He looked up to see Remus smiling. Not a sadistic smile, like he normally has. Not a smirk, this smile was full of love and joy.

Remus moved forward and captured Janus's lips with his own. Janus' lips tasted like apple juice and peaches. The kiss was short, but sweet.

"I love you to, babe," Remus said when they pulled apart.

Ha! A rare Demus chapter! Who knows? Maybe I'll do a Logicality chapter to complete the trilogy...

(317 words)

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