Into the Unkown II (Prinxiety)

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           Into The Unknown II (Prinxiety)

"So... do you wanna watch The Dragon Prince?" Roman asked. He and his boyfriend Virgil were sitting on Thomas' couch. They were visible to Thomas because Logan and Patton were going on a date in the imagination. Thomas was busy editing down the hallway.

"Haven't you already watched it like four times?" Virgil asked as he scooted closer to Roman. He leaned his head on the princely sides shoulder.

"Yeah but that's what's good about it! You can watch it as many times as you want and there is always new things you can see!" Roman said. He turned his head and whispered into Virgil's ear.
"Please?" He whispered. "You haven't seen it yet. Plus, it's got great LGBTQ+ representation."

Virgil nodded. If he was on the fence before, that tipped him into the "watch" side.

"Ok, fine."

They began watching, and Roman cried when King Harrow (ahem, spoilers) and Runaan was (more spoilers). Virgil hugged him close, and placed little kisses on his cheeks to calm him down. Roman eventually stopped crying and kissed Virgil passionately on the lips.

Virgil moves onto Roman's lap, not breaking the kiss. Roman entangled his hands with the emo's hair and pulled him closer. Virgil has his hands on the prince's chest, and wrapped them around Roman's waist.

"You two having fun?" A voice asked.

Virgil and Roman quickly pulled apart to find Thomas looking at them with a smirk on his face. He was behind the kitchen counter with a bag of granola in his hands. Virgil quickly hid his red face in the crook of Roman's neck.

"I- Uh- yeah- um- this is a thing now," Roman stuttered. His face was now bright red.

Thomas sighed.

"I go into my kitchen to get some food and I find two of my sides making out, again."

"Wait, again?" Virgil asked, peeking out from his little hiding spot. Now Thomas turned a light pink.

"Nothing." He said quickly. Then Patton and Logan popped up in front of the couch, holding hands. Their hair was a mess.

"It got pretty windy in the imagination to- oh" Logan said, turning to see Roman and Virgil. Patton jumped up and down, giggling.

"Um, we will just go and-" Logan stated.

"Wait," Virgil said, surprising himself with his rush of confidence. "Can you bring everyone here? We have an announcement to make." He looked at Roman, who had put his arms around Virgil's waist.

"Is it okay, love?" The emo asked. Roman nodded, and placed a quick kiss on Virgil's lips.

"Of course. They'll all find out eventually."

"So yeah, we started dating after we watched frozen two," Virgil said.

"Oh yeah! I remember that!" Remus exclaimed. "I walked in on the making out in the hallway after we finished filming. They were totally about to move it to a room and-"

"Remus!" Roman snapped. He gestured wildly to Patton, who looked at them with confusion. 
After many questions, everyone eventually left, leaving Roman and Virgil alone again. Everyone was completely fine with them. Logan and Patton were already in a relationship, so they understood. Remus just made sly dirty remarks at almost everything they said. And Deceit just tried to control Remus.

"I love you," Roman said, pressing play on the remote to continue watching The Dragon Prince.

"Love you too, Ro," Virgil whispered back, pulling the prince closer to him.

So I just had the idea of Remus being Remus and wrote this. It's shorter that the other ones but oh well. Requests please! I don't have anything to write about! 605 words.

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