Group chat and kitchen counters (Logicality, Demus, and Prinxiety)

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(Inspired by Pinterest thing I saw)

Tw: sexual innuendo and Remus, censored cursing

Virgil, Roman, Logan, Patton, have a group chat, and they use it often.

Virgil: hey its an honor to be stung by a bee it hates you so much its willing to die
(Sent 2:58 am)

Roman: Dude are you okay?
(Sent 2:59 am)

Virgil: no im not okay (i promise)

Virgil: i think im going crazy from lack of sleep
(Sent 3:00 am)

Roman: Want me to come cuddle you?
(Sent 3:00 am)

Virgil: please
(Sent 3:01 am)

Patton: Hey! What r u doing up at 3am??!! V u need to sleep!!
(Sent 3:03 am)

Virgil: yeah im trying to

Logan: What could have compelled all of you to be awake at 3:04:57 in the morning? You all need eight hours of sleep a minimum per night to function properly in society.
(Sent 3:04)

Janus: Society is a lie.
(Sent 3:05)

Virgil: oh great jack the fibber is here
(Sent 3:05)

Logan: Please answer the question. Why is everyone awake except Remus?
(Sent 3:06)

Virgil: dont say that things name itll bring him here
(Sent 3:07)

Logan: "Don't* say that thing's* name.* It'll* bring him here.*"
(Sent 3:07)

Roman: We get it you're a grammar nerd
(Sent 3:08)

Remus: To late virgil!!!!
(Sent 3:09)

Virgil: d*mnit
(Sent 3:10)

Patton: language!!
(Sent 3:10)

Janus: hey Re
(Sent 3:11)

Remus: Hey Snakey
(Sent 3:11)

Roman: snakey?
(Sent 3:12)

Logan: Please, back to the point. Why is everyone awake at 3:12:34 Ante Meridium?
(Sent 3:12)

Virgil: couldnt sleep
(Sent 3:12)

Roman: Working on a huge project.
(Sent 3:13)

Patton: I got hungry...
(Sent 3:13)

Janus: I was doing stuff.
(Sent 3:15)

Remus: I'm stuff.
(Sent 3:15)

Patton: Remus I will not hesitate to ban you from this chat.

Patton: and Logan, why r u awake right now?
(Sent 3:16)

Logan: I am working on a project.
(Sent 3:16)

Roman: hey why didn't you correct his grammar?
(Sent 3:17)

Logan: "Hey,* why didn't you correct his grammar?" I did not correct his grammar for the reason being I was already preoccupied with answering his preexisting question.
(Sent 3:17)

Janus: Okay dude chill you're not writing an essay.
(Sent 3:18)

Virgil: for once I agree with the snake face
(Sent 3:19)

Logan: Other conversations aside, you all need to go to sleep.
(Sent 3:19)

Janus: yes
(Sent 3:20)

Remus: ha! Me and Jan are gonna be busy
(Sent 3:21)

Logan: "Jan and I*"
(Sent 3:21)

Patton: Remus I will kick you out of this chat.
(Sent 3:22)

Virgil: well Ro and i are TRYING to sleep but my phone sounds like a d*mn bee
(Sent 3:24)

Roman: Vee calm down. I'm going to sleep now and you should just put the phone on silent.
(Sent 3:25)

Virgil: alright goodnight guys
(Sent 3:25)

Patton: alright Lo I'm gonna go to bed now. I love u!
(Sent 3:26)

Logan: I love you more, Pat.
(Sent 3:26)

Patton: no I love you more!
(Sent 3:27)

Logan: No Patton, according to my calculations I love you more.
(Sent 3:27)

Virgil: ya know id love if you didn't do this in the group chat while I'm trying to sleep
(Sent 3:30)

Logan: Well, I would appreciate it if you and Roman would not make out on the counter when I'm trying to get my Crofters.
(Sent 3:30)

Roman: okay you didn't have to do that Logan
(Sent 3:32)

Logan: "Okay,* you didn't have to do that,* Logan.*"
(Sent 3:32)

Patton: hey you guys wanna camp out in the main room?
(Sent 3:56)

Virgil: sure
(Sent 3:56)

Roman: Of course!
(Sent 3:57)

Remus: eh fine. Jan?
(Sent 3:58)

Janus: of course.
(Sent 3:59)

Logan: Yes, that would be enjoyable.
(Sent 3:59)

Patton: yay!
(Sent 4:00)

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So I just quickly wrote this thing. I've been worldbuilding a ton lately and I also started learning guitar! I'm learning the song Romance by MCR which is up top. So far I have the first three measures and my fingers feel like they're going to fall off. (740 words)

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Prinxiety Oneshots By Me Where stories live. Discover now