Hot Topic (Prinxiety)

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(Human romantic soulmate au i guess?)

Virgil black was a teenager when he first got into all of the emo things.

No, he didn't really think of himself as misunderstood or dark or any of the stereotypical emo things, at least at that point. See, when somebody turns fifteen, the nickname their romantic soulmate has for them appears as a tattoo somewhere on their body. Virgil just so happened to get "Hot Topic" written in black and purple on his upper arm.

Virgil, although he never really had any interest in shopping, found the Hot Topic at his local mall and subsequently fell in love with the clothing. He soon started listening to My Chemical Romance and Panic! At The Disco among other emo bands, and they kinda took over his life.

That being said, years later he still had not found his soulmate, and he still was stuck in the emo "phase".

Virgil walked into the café (that happened to be next to the Hot Topic) blasting "Skylines and Turnstiles" by MCR through his earbuds. He took one earbud out as he approached the counter.

"A coffee 'black as your heart, if you had one' I'm guessing?" The barista asked, a playful smirk on his face. Looking up from his phone, Virgil chuckled.

"No, a hot chocolate with extra whipped cream and sprinkles please," he said to the barista. To Virgil, this man was the literal incarnation of a Disney prince.

"Okay then," the princely man said, clearly surprised. Virgil paid and the barista started to make Virgil's order.

A few minutes later, the barista came back with a cup of hot chocolate in his hand.

"Hot chocolate with extra whipped cream and sprinkles for Hot Topic," the barista said.

"Thanks Princey," Virgil said, taking his drink and sitting at a table, ignoring the barista's shocked look.

Many songs on his playlist later, Virgil was almost done with his hot chocolate when he felt someone tap his shoulder.

"Excuse me?" Virgil heard what turned out to be the barista. He started inwardly panicking, fearing he did something wrong.

"Yes?" Virgil managed to say, his throat dry although he had a drink.

"Can I sit here?" The barista said, gesturing to the seat across from Virgil. Virgil shrugged.

"Go ahead I guess."

The man sat down, Virgil's heart already beating faster.

"So I'm just gonna be blunt, alright?" The barista said. "My name's Roman, and I think we might be soulmates."

This caught Virgil's attention more than a stranger sitting down at his table did. Then, he remembered the words on his arm. His hand flew up to cover his mouth and a few tears fell out of his eyes.

Roman instantly reached out a hand, which Virgil took in his own.

"You okay, Hot Topic?" Roman asked, sorry lacing his voice. Virgil nodded, moving his hand to wipe his tears.

"Yeah," he said quietly. "It's just... I gave up on ever getting a soulmate a few years ago. I'm Virgil, by the way."

"Oh, Virgil," Roman said, almost as if he were saying 'oh, you poor thing.'

Virgil didn't really know what to say or do after that. He simply moved his chair so he was sitting next to Roman and laid his head on Roman's shoulder.

"So, wanna go on a date?" Roman asked, taking Virgil's hand. "Say... Friday, movie theater at noon?"

"That works for me, Princey," Virgil said, squeezing Roman's hand.

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I should really be writing my other book, but no, I decided to do this. (620 words)

Also here's some art of Roman I did a little bit ago. It's inspired by Brendon Urie, as you can see by the lyrics and the high heels.

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Prinxiety Oneshots By Me Where stories live. Discover now