Kingdoms (Prinxiety, Logicality, Demus)

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Quick A/N
Today I realized the perfect metaphor for the two types of creativity. Roman's creativity is like flowers blooming in your brain; a beautiful garden blossoming as you try to fall asleep. Then Remus' is basically a dumpster fire, on a train that's about to crash right into you. Oh and the train is flipped upside down. And it is stocked full of complete randomness. Like it has a full cart of rubber bands or cheese or something.

Back to your (ir)regularly scheduled program.


Kingdom AU? Magic exists in this world. I just know that.

Tw: slight homophobia that physically hurt me to write, blood, an animal gets hurt, overly flirtatious Virgil, censored cuss words, making out, implied sex, Remus

Here we go! Rock 'N Roll Buckeroo!

Beware- this one is extremely long. I didn't wanna make it a two parter. Somehow it's 3529 words long.


Roman woke in his makeshift tent near the edge of the woods. He looked around and quickly changed. A simple red t-shirt and jeans. Hardly attair his parents would consider fit for a prince. Then again, his parents didn't think he was fit to be prince.

It had been three days since he had ran away. His parents had wanted to marry him off to a princess of a neighboring kingdom. Yeah that didn't work out.

He had told his parents he was gay, praying they would accept that and not make him marry this girl. But his hopes were crushed when they said he would still marry her, and that he was not to leave his room until he had "decided he wasn't going to live that lifestyle."

They brought a priest in to "cure" him. When Roman hadn't even made eye contact with the priest, they were furious. They restricted his food and drinks. Roman knew that they would have gone to even more extreme lengths if he stayed. So he did the only thing he could; he ran.

He took a horse, a beautiful white stallion he had named Buttercup when he was younger, and he ran.

He rode for hours. When he finally was out of the city, he begrudgingly stole some clothes off a clothesline. He did leave some gold though. Okay, maybe it was enough for them to pay for that house for a few years, but still, it was the least he could do.

He rode for two more days until he came to a forest. The forest was the border of his kingdom and the kingdom of Drýicge. The kingdom of magic-users.

As Roman quickly cleaned up his tent, he made sure not to leave any evidence that it was him. To the palace guards, this was just another witch campsite. He mounted Buttercup and rode deeper into the dense forest.


After a few more hours of riding, Roman grew bored and tired. He had been on his toes the entire trip. His parents had told him all magic users were evil. But now he didn't know what to believe.

He was about to stop and set up camp, but was halted when Buttercup reared up and Roman felt and heard an arrow whiz past his ear.

"Woah!" Roman shouted, trying to calm Buttercup down. Into the dark forest, he shouted, "I mean no harm!"

That did absolutely nothing. Arrows flew past him, and Buttercup bolted forward. Roman's world went in slow motion as he felt the arrow hit his arm and Buttercup's thigh. His horse fell forward, along with Roman. He scrambled around on the blood soaked ground before standing up. He drew the dagger he brought with him, ready to defend his horse and his life. Then, he saw one of his attackers scramble forward.

"Wait! Hold your fire!" He shouted. He had a leopard print suit with a black cape and mask. Out of the corner of his eye, Roman saw two more people lower bows already loaded with arrows.

Prinxiety Oneshots By Me Where stories live. Discover now