More Headcannons because i came up with more

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Virgil can rap. Like, really fast. We all know Logan can do it pretty well and just crushed Roman in that episode, but Virgil would leave Roman completely star stuck, in the dust, and begging for mercy. He definitely beat Roman in a Hamilton Guns and Ships battle to see who could rap it better. (And that has probably happened)

Roman listens to a little P!ATD, and any time he hums the tune of any song Virgil leaps out from somewhere and screams the lyrics. For an hour. Roman secretly loves it but pretends to be annoyed.

Remy's favorite Panic! Song is "There's a good reason these tables are numbered honey, you just haven't thought of it yet."

(That was a mouthful)

Virgil loves to watch Buzzfeed Unsolved but can't sleep for like three days after binging them.

Logan is the tallest side.
Patton is the shortest side.

Roman is taller than Virgil.

There's a piano in the mindscape and Virgil has taped a red piece of paper with a "don't you dare" written on it over the note. You know which note I'm talking about...

Virgil's guilty pleasure is listening to cheesy pop songs.

-Dungeons and Dragons au/characters they would play and what they would do while playing-

- Logan or Janus is the DM. I don't know why.
- Virgil is a Teifling Warlock who worries about everything except the demons he summons, to which he is basically Shane Madej. I have no idea what his alignment would be honestly.
- Roman is a human fighter. He is Neutral Good
- Remus is an elf bard. His introduction in the series is literally a song, Chaotic Neutral
- Logan would be an elf sorcerer if he doesn't dm/in an au. Lawful Neutral
- Janus is a Dragonborn Warlock if he doesn't dm/in an au. Chaotic Good
Patton is either a human/half elf/Tabaxi Druid. He really doesn't care about the race as long as he can turn into animals. Lawful good

Imagine: Everyone is playing dnd and Virgil summons a demon. After he is done with the demon, he grabs a candle, lights it, and says this.
"As I snuff the light from this candle so to do I snuff you from this mortal world"
He then smirks at Patton and whoever is Dm and continues.
"You fu**ing wimp."
Cut to a horrified Patton, a proud Janus if he was the dm, or a "I'm done with everyone's crap" Logan if he was dm.
Then, three seconds later cut to Virgil downing like three health potions because he got stuck in a thorn bush and lost one health point.

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