Yes i know ive done way to many headcanons but theres more

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More headcanons because I can

(Innocent) dancing they would do

Virgil does ballet. He like the fact that it's very structured and he gets very clear instructions.

Roman does ballroom dancing. Because obviously.

Patton does whatever the frick he wants to do in the moment, but he will also do contemporary.

Logan does contemporary ballet. He likes to tell a story with movements but also likes the rules of ballet.

Remus square dances.

Janus begrudgingly (but he also kinda loves) square dancing with Remus. He will also do ballroom and ballet, but those are less practiced.

Remy does freestyle

Emile does contemporary and a very sloppy waltz with Remy

The sides as inhabitants of the world I have spent months worldbuilding.

So basically I have Harpies, Merfolk, Fauns, basically merfolk but with snake tails instead, and the plant people who are kinda like fae.

Virgil is a mer, because I'm a sucker for mer!virgil but maybe more of a northern icy mer.

Roman is also a mer, because I'm a sucker for mer!roman as well. However he is more of a central mer who lives in warmer tropical places. Mer are also generally dramatic so...

Logan is a harpy. Harpies in my world are kind of based on Athens, and they hold knowledge to a high standard.

Patton is a faun. Fauns are in touch with nature and are empathetic.

Janus is a snake person. Obviously.

Remus is a plant fae person. He just likes to trick people honestly.

Remy is a mer. Like I said earlier, dramatic.

Emile I think would be a plant fae thing. I don't really know why, he just strikes me as more of a plant fae thing person I guess.

And some more incorrect quotes I guess (that I honestly want to put in a one shot but I don't have the will to wright right now)

Patton: hey Roman you know how King Arthur hasd the knights of the round table?

Roman: yeah?

Patton:  who built the table?

Roman: Umm... i don't know?

Patton, barely able to contain his laughter: Sir Cumference

Logan, from across the room, bursts into laughter

Virgil, sleep deprived: the "nut" Nutella is pronounced "new". Nutella is made from hazelnuts. Nutella is made from hazelnoots.

Roman, also tired but barely able to contain his laughter: Virgil please go to sleep

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