Nicknames (Prinxiety)

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(Requested by ThunderHoltz)

Virgil snuggled closer into Roman's chest, feeling his boyfriend's arms pull him closer. They were on the third Disney movie that night, and it was coming to a close.

"What movie do you wanna watch next, babe?" Roman asked, planting a kiss on Virgil's forehead.

"I dunno. Why don't you choose Princey?" Virgil replied, melting further into Roman's touch. Roman couldn't help but smile and blush a bit.

"I chose the last one, Sunshine," Roman said, slightly smirking. Virgil looked up at him, smirking.

"Oh, so you wanna play that game, huh?" Virgil said. Roman always boasted that he had the best nicknames for everyone, but as soon as Virgil called him something, he immediately went as red as a tomato, or as Logan would say, Solanum Lycopersicum.

"Let's watch Tangled, Romeo" Virgil said. He saw Roman's face go bright red.

"Alright, babe," Roman said, kissing Virgil sweetly.

They watched Tangled. And then another movie. Two movies turned into four, and four turned into six. Eventually it was past midnight, and Virgil and Roman were curled up on the couch together, sound asleep.

(Ha I'm not done yet!)

Over the next weeks, Virgil made it a point to call Roman all sorts of nicknames. Although their relationship wasn't public yet, Virgil still did it.

"Hey RoRo," Virgil said, putting on a fake innocence. "Can you help me get the Crofters from the top shelf? Logan tried to hide it again." Logan was nearby, watching them with intent.

"Don't you dare touch my Crofters or so help me-" he started to say, but stopped as he say Roman was almost as red as his sash. The creative side quickly shuffled to the kitchen, closely followed by a smirking Virgil.

As Logan struggled to come up with a logical solution to what he had seen, all signs he saw pointed to one thing; that Roman had a crush on Virgil.

But that wasn't logical at all. The even less logical solution was that they were already dating. Logan decided to quietly observe them and ask them at the end of the week.

"What is up everybody!" Thomas said, this starting a new Sanders Sides video. As the video progressed, more of the sides showed up.

"But we cant go and see any musicals!" Roman said, distressed. Then Virgil rose up.

"And you know why we can't go out? Oh yeah, because there is a virus going around, and we're supposed to be quarantined!" The emo spat. Then, he got a smirk on his face.

"Oh, but if little Bambi wants to go out, who am I to stop him?"

When Roman heard Virgil's new nickname, he froze. As he felt warm blush cover his cheeks, he wanted to launch himself at Virgil. He wanted to smother him with kisses and cuddles. But he knew he couldn't. Their relationship was still so new, and they didn't really want the other sides to know, let alone the entire fan base.

He finally felt his face cool down, and the video continued, everyone pretending nothing happened. When they had finished filming, Roman followed Virgil into the hallway.

"Babe! Please, you know that your nicknames always make me blush! You can't keep-" Roman whined, and was cut off by a kiss to the lips.

"I can, and I will, my angel," Virgil said. Roman again felt his face heat up. He pulled Virgil close and started kissing up his jawline. Roman hovered over the emo's lips, pressing their foreheads together.

"Oh, kiss me," Virgil breathed out. Roman chuckled a bit.

"Really? Panic! right now?," he whispered. Not a second later he closed the gap between them. The kiss was sweet and passionate. It made both of their hearts beet a little faster, and they felt like they could fly. There was nothing wrong with the world in that moment. In that moment, it was just them.

When they broke apart, they just stood there, arms around each other's waist and foreheads pressed together.

"I love you, kitten," Roman breathed out. Now it was Virgil who blushed. They stood like that for a few seconds longer, before a voice behind them spoke up.

"Well, I see my calculations did get me to the correct answer," Logan said. Virgil and Roman spun around and came face to face with Logan.

"I- um- yeah- well- Uh-," Roman started. "Yeah, this is a thing now," he said, motioning to himself and Virgil. The emo was pulling up his hood in an effort to hide his embarrassment. Logan smiles and walked forward. He hugged each of them.

"I won't tell if you don't want me to. Congratulations ," he said. Logan smiled and walked away. Virgil and Roman stood shocked as they watched the logical side walk away.

"So, wanna watch Disney until we pass out again?" Virgil asked, a sweet smile on his face. Roman smiled back, a slight blush creeping onto his face.

"Of course, kitten," Roman said.

So yeah. This was requested by ThunderHoltz. Thank you! This one was a bit shorted than my usual ones.

So my quarantine life has gone a little like this:

"Hey, I'll listen to panic! At the disco!"

And now I can't stop.

How's everyone else?

(878 words)

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