Sherlock (Prinxiety and Logicality)

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Logan sat on the couch in the corner of the common room of the mind palace, reading. That was, until Roman and Virgil came into the room and ended up bickering about something. Logan was doing a successful job of blocking them out and reading his book, until he caught the ending of one of their comments.

"Roman, could you please repeat what you said?" Logan said, snapping his book closed and setting it down. Roman looked at him in surprise.

"I asked Virgil why he hated me so much," The prince said. "Why?"

"Pardon me while I laugh," Logan said, turning his head to the side. "Ha."

"What is this about?" Virgil asked, turning to face Logan like Roman had done and brushing Roman's hand with his own. Logan made a mental note of both of those.

"Well, Roman, it is quite obvious that Virgil doesn't hate you. Quite the opposite in fact."

"But-" Virgil started to say.

"Please let me finish my explanation, Virgil." Logan said. He adjusted his glasses and carried on.

"Whenever Roman enters the room, your pupils dialate. That is a subconscious reflex that happens when you see someone you like. Also, you mimic Roman's actions and wording. You listen to what he says. You two will brush hands all the time. May I remind you of the event of February thirteenth of 2017? That day we filmed a video, 'Alone on Valentines Day.' If I remember correctly, Patton got you two to hold hands. And you didn't let go." Logan said. "Roman? Could you please tell me something about Virgil? Just something that happened or he did."

"Oh! When me and Patton-"

"Patton and I."

"Patton and I made sweaters for everyone, Virgil pulled the ends over his hands, which was ad-" Roman said, cutting himself off as a warm blush rose to his cheeks.

"Remembering insignificant things." Logan said as if making a list. "And blushing," he added under his breath.

"Well, thank you for going all Sherlock on us Logan," Virgil said, a slight sarcasm tone creeping into his voice. Then he raised one of his eyebrows and smirked. "But you've not thought of one thing."

"Crap. Logan you've made him feel like Moriarty. Now he's gonna be-" Roman started before Virgil waved his hand in his face to shut the creative side up.

"But, Roman and I are already dating," Virgil said, leaning over and pulling Roman in for a kiss by his sash. Logan was visibly shocked.  Then, Virgil smirked and started to walk out of the room.

"I have... business to attend to."

Roman hurried after him.

"Crap, no," he said, half to himself. "Virgil! NO planning Janus' murder! Or Remus' for that matter!" He called out.

Logan returned his attention to his book, but felt arms hugging him from behind. He looked up and saw the blushing and smiling face of Patton.

"You're so cute when you go into Sherlock mode," Patton said. He walked around the couch and snuggled up next to Logan.

"I love you," Patton said. Logan turned his head and kissed Patton on the lips. He pulled Patton closer with one arm.

"Want me to read out loud?" Logan asked. Patton nodded, and Logan smiled as he bookmarked the page he was on and flipped back to the first page. Patton yawned and leaned his head on Logan's shoulder.

"To Sherlock Holmes she was always the woman. I have seldom heard him mention her under any other name. In his eyes..."

So this one was a lot shorter than my usual ones, but I just really wanted to write this and I had no idea how to make it longer. I'm really loving Sherlock Logan right now lol. I'm really bored in quarantine and now I've decided to learn guitar, piano, and Morse code. Hey! That's a good idea for a one shot!
(651 Words)

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