Ghost (prinxiety)

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Human AU I guess?

Tw: small panic attack

It had been about a week since Virgil had talked to a ghost. Well, he more shouted throughout the house when his roommate hadn't been home. Of course, he hadn't been expecting he ghost to actually talk to him.

What led up to Virgil, the most anxious person on the world, talking to ghosts you may ask? Well, he had just binged Buzzfeed Unsolved Supernatural and had it in his head that he should see if there was a ghost in his dorm.

"TURN THE LIGHT OFF YOU COWARD!" He had shouted, probably disturbing his neighbors.

That's when he heard it. A small whimpering sound followed by sobs.

"Please stop yelling at me," a small voice said. Virgil's eyes widened.

"I-I'm sorry," he stammered. "Are you okay?" He asked quietly. He heard a small "I don't know" in response.

"Can you show yourself? Please?" Virgil asked. He was shocked as the misty figure of a person appeared on the other side of his room. They were young, and in a nightgown from what looked like the early 1900s. They had dark tanned skin, and their medium dark brown hair was in a messy bun. They looked to be around fourteen or fifteen. Tears stained their cheeks.

"Hey, are you okay?" Virgil asked softly.

"I- I'm-" the spirit started to say. "IM NOT OKAY! I'm scared, I don't know what to do, I feel like the world is closing in on me at all times!" They sobbed. They sunk to the floor and cried. Virgil rushed over and fell to his knees.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. Breathe. In for four seconds, that's it, great. Hold for seven. Breathe out for eight," Virgil soothed. "Can I touch you?"

The spirit looked up at him in surprised, and slowly nodded. Virgil put his hand on their back and rubbed it in circles. There was a barrier stopping Virgil's hand from passing through the spirit's body, but there was no warmth. After a while, the spirit calmed down.

"Why did you help me?" The spirit asked, breaking the silence. "Most people I see are terrified of me." Virgil thought for a minute.

"I guess because I understand what it's like. I get panic attacks a lot of the time, and my roommate Roman helps me." Virgil said, smiling warmly as he thought of Roman. "I have a bit of a crush on him.."

"That is so cute!" The ghost said, smiling brightly. Virgil chuckled.

"Can I tell him about you? I mean, I'm talking to a ghost!" Virgil said. The ghost smirked.

"Yes, but only if you ask him on a date," the ghost said. Virgil wrinkles his nose.

"Fine, I'll do it... eventually" he said. "Also, what is your name and pronouns? I don't wanna have to refer to you as 'the spirit' when I tell Roman."

The spirit gasped, and burst into tears. Virgil looked surprised and quickly pulled the spirit into a hug,

"It's okay, you're fine," he said.

"I know, it's just that no one has ever asked for my pronouns before. It's they/them," the ghost said, whipping tears from their eyes. "My name's Lynn."

"It's fine, Lynn," Virgil said. There was the unmistakable sound of keys unlocking the front door. Lynn looked panicked and started fading away.

"You can always talk to me, just so you know," Virgil said quickly, right before Lynn disappeared into thin air.

Two weeks later, Virgil was in the living room of the dorm, stressed out of his mind. He had talked to Lynn every day before Roman came back, and each day they urged him to ask him out. Today, Virgil planned to do just that.

The door opened and Roman walked in, waving at Virgil with a smile.

"Hey Virg-"

"I'm a ghost therapist."

"What." Roman said, dropping his keys.

"I met a ghost about two weeks ago. Their name is Lynn," Virgil said.

"Okay, why don't we sit down?" Roman said, shocked. They both made their way to Virgil's room and sat down.

"So, tell me about this ghost," Roman said. Virgil smiled.

"Well, I was binging Unsolved Supernatural, and I started yelling for the ghost to show themselves, and lo and behold, they did," Virgil said. "They has a panic attack and I calmed them down, and yeah."
Roman looked at Virgil.

"So, you're a ghost therapist now?" He said. Virgil nodded. "Cool, I'm gonna go make dinner." Roman said, standing up and heading towards the door.

Just then a misty Lynn appeared out of the corner of Virgil's eye. Lynn looked at Virgil and jerked their head in Roman's direction, mouthing "go on!"

Virgil stood up quickly and took a few steps towards Roman.

"Wait, Roman. I- I like you," Virgil said. Roman stopped in his tracks and turned around.

"You like me?"

Virgil nodded. Roman flung himself forward and hugged Virgil tightly. He wrapped his arms around Virgil's waist, and Virgil hurried his head in Roman's neck. Roman pulled back and pushed his forehead to Virgil's. Their lips brushed one another's, and they could feel each other's breath.

"C-can I kiss you?" Roman breathed out. Virgil nodded slightly, and closed the gap between them. It was sweet and passionate, and lasted for only a few seconds before they heard clapping. Lynn stood in the corner with a huge smile on their face. Roman looked at Virgil, shocked.

"Is that?"

"Yep. That Lynn. Lynn, Roman. Roman, Lynn," Virgil said. Lynn smiled wider, if that was possible.

"Hi!" They said. Roman waved in their direction.

"So, wanna go on a date?" Virgil asked when Roman looked back at him,

"Heck yes," was Roman's response.

Yay! I did another one! I really should be working on my WIP book but oh well. This is actually sorta inspired by my real life. I binged Buzzfeed Unsolved Supernatural and then everything seemed like a ghost. (Pretty sure my house is haunted, but oh well) I then talked to the ghost and said that if they ever need some one to talk to I'm there for them. Don't know if that was a good thing to do but oh well. I got a good one shot out of it tho, so...

1050 words

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