Part 1

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Alina was bolting through the schools doors, her voice echoing through the empty parking lot of the high school.

Her English teacher, Professor Smith, came running after her screaming, "Alina! Come back this instant!"

She just chuckled and began to run back towards her home.

She quickly raced down the sidewalk and the second she saw her house in sight, she sprinted the remaining steps before running inside and slamming the door shut.

Alina fell back against the door, sighing as her body slide door the hard wooden surface.

-3 hours earlier-

Alina and her friends were casually walking through the town, admiring the shops and alleyways that pass by them as they randomly talked about simple things, such as school, boys, etc.

A group of five men had rounded the corner, pushing them into and alleyway as the shining sun disappeared from view behind one of the shops. One of them had walked up to each of her friends and the leader, a brown-haired boy, roughly 6'4 or 6'3, and a good 240 pounds came straight for Alina.

She looked at him with pure murder in her eyes as he pushed her back against and wall and tried to flirt with her. Rain droplets began to fall from the sky, getting heavier by the second. The male and his friends looked towards the sky as it began to pour rain.

The news had not predicted this outcome and as their looks of disbelief fell back onto the girls, their eye's landed on Alina who didn't look up towards the sky but instead, stared straight at the men who were now glaring at her.

"Is this your doing, bitch," the leader snarled(pardon my language).

Alina tilted her head to the side in amusement, chuckling as she said, "How can I control the weather?"

The man snarled and charged at me, aiming a punch towards her face. Alina smiled before grabbing his arm and twisting it, flipping him onto the gravel. She turned around to see one of her friends, pointing behind her frantically.

Just as she had turned, a solid punch was smashed into the side of her face. She grunted before getting back to her feet and stared dead eye at the man who had punched me. He backed away from her, a little frightened of the dark aura surrounding her.

Alina quickly punched the guy, her hit echoing through his bones before he fell to the ground, knocked out and asleep.

The three guys behind him all charged at Alina. The game was about to begin.

-Alina's POV-

The first man charged directly at me as I dodged and was nearly lifted off the ground by another man who had ran straight for my stomach. I groaned in pain before quickly elbowing the space between his neck and shoulder. He fell to the ground in a flash as I managed to get out of his grip before he crashed into the gravel below.

I turned around just in time to dodge a punch and instead, I dropped to the ground and as I stood up, my foot found it's target and soon he too was on the ground in pain before I kneed him in the head and he was lights out. The third guy was shaking in fear as I strode over to him and quickly round-housed him before I straightened myself and looked around me. All five of the men were on the floor, either out cold or writhing in pain.

I turned around to my friends who were still huddled together, trying to keep warm from the rain. I smiled and grabbed one of their arms and dragged all of them out of the alleyway.

"We should get back to school now," I said to me friends, smiling before looking towards the sky and the rain began to settle down.

They blankly nodded before following me into the parking lot of South Side High School, and very soon we were standing in front of my screaming teacher who was trying to discipline us for sneaking out and missing a class.

"And who is to blame for your disobedience," asked Professor Smith.

My friends all turned towards me, wondering what we should do.

I sighed and slowly stepped forward.

"Ahhh," I said, rocking back and forth on the balls of my feet, "that would be me sir."

He glared at me before snarling to my friends, "Get. To. Class. Now!"

They quickly rushed towards their classes as I was left alone with my teacher.

Before he could begin to utter a single sound, I bolted out of that situation and burst through the doors.

-Narrator's POV-

Welcome back to the present.

Alina sat with her back against the wall, wondering when she was going to have to move again. Her parents were gone, abandoned by her own mother and father at the age of two years old, now it was up to her to survive.

Alina had taught herself all basic self defense by the age of sixteen and was a master at all sorts of weaponry.

She sighed and pounded her head against the door. She was frustrated with everything. Her life, her school, men, her parents, everything.

She groaned before pushing herself up and brushing off her jeans. Her clothes were dry and she wondered if this was going to be worth it. If moving away again was going to solve all of her problems.
She walked over to the kitchen and began making herself some food, finding after gathering some random ingredients, she decided on making eggs, getting her mind off of her many, many problems.
Alina questioned if she was going to go back to school tomorrow and if she was going to be in big trouble.

Little did she know that she would never see tomorrow of her town ever again...

Thanks for reading! Can't wait to see you all in the next chapter!

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