Part 27

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"For a chance."

I walked back into the campsite with Felix by my side. We walked in silence as we near the pounding footsteps inside.

Felix grabbed my arm just before allowing me to go in.

I spun around and took out my knife, pointing at his stomach as the tip gently rubbed the fabric.

His face paled and he let go.

I didn't lower my knife.

"Why did you grab me," I demanded.

"Shhh. I was about to tell you that we should probably go back at separate times so that we don't raise suspicion."

I raised my eyebrow.

"Really? You think that badly of me? Geez man. I thought we were friends."

Before he could open his mouth, I had walked back into camp.

I had noticed that Felix had not followed me which only caused my temper to rise.

I looked around the camp for any people or any motion at all but it was complete silence.

My hackles rose even more.

What if I had caused the island to be taken over? What if Pan was kidnapped? What if...

There were too many what ifs.

I took a panicked breath as my gut wrenched feeling swarmed me in a tight gas that I couldn't escape.

My heart clenched at the sight of any of them getting hurt.

Especially Henry. If something happened to him...

My heart pounded loudly in my chest as my vision blurred to a murderous red.

I raged over to the training area, the last place I had seen Pan. If he wasn't there...

I already knew the answer to that.

Someone would die tonight. And I would leave them no mercy.

Cheers caught my ears, slowing down my racing heart. I stormed into the open area, a tight feeling in my gut.

When I walked into the clearing, I saw Pan. He was smirking as usual but something was off.

I watched as he forced Henry to hold a crossbow in his arms as Pan took out its arrow.

That's when I noticed a bucket with thick, black liquid that bubbled.

I watched as Pan dipped the arrow into the black liquid, pulling it out to show a faint surface of smooth... tar.

It took me about half a second to figure out why it looked so familiar.

"What is that," asked Henry.

I relaxed my body against a tree as I waited for his answer to confirm my suspicions. If I was right, I couldn't tell him about the gas. If I wasn't, who knows.

"Dreamshade," Pan said. "A deadly poison. Don't touch it or it will kill you. Trust me."

He blow a slow breath on the wet arrow tip before putting it back into the crossbow in Henry's arms.

"What's that for?"

"Just a little invitation not to miss. Felix! Come out!"

I watched as Felix came out behind a tree at Pan's right. He took one look at me before turning to Henry.

"Do it," Pan demanded.

Felix smirked, his scar making him look psychotic. He reached behind him and pulled out a red apple as he placed it on his head.

My eyes watched as one by one, the Lost Boys began to chant.

"Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!"

I couldn't reveal that I was mortified that Pan was about to make Henry try to shoot the apple on Felix's head but doing that to a kid? That was simply barbaric.

Pan began to join in the chanting and I watched as Henry focused his gaze on the apple.

He was going to miss. His body said it all. His foot was slightly turned to Pan and for a moment, I felt proud.

I knew his plan even before he changed his direction last minute and shot Pan in the chest.

I watched the arrow fly into Pan's hand as he caught it before it hit his chest, right where his heart was located.

I knew that I would have healed Pan even if he got hurt but I didn't want Henry to think that his shot was a joke.

Pan panted as his smirk grew and grew.

Furious at Pan, I loaded an arrow into my hand slingshot. It was like a crossbow but connected to your forearm.

The bow was black so most people would mistake it for a glove with a lot of padding.

The second I loaded the arrow, I looked up to see Felix still had the apple on his head.

Without a second thought, I raised my arm and shot the arrow.

I watched it fly through the air, cutting through with the sharp edge before reaching its target.

Silence fell as a defining crack cut through the silence like a roaring train.

They turned to see the apple pierced with an arrow straight through it, being held against the tree.

Within a few seconds, I had managed to silence all of the boys and turn the attention off of both Pan and Henry.

This was good.

The Lost Boys slowly turned their heads back to me.

I lowered my arm slowly, revealing my nonchalant face as I walked forward. The Lost Boys backed away from me as I drew closer.

I kept my gaze on Felix and gave him a slight nod, allowing him to know that I forgave him but he owes me, before turning my attention to Pan.

He looked impressed if anything but I was not about to be grateful that a man was impressed.

I walked past Henry and to the tree behind Felix, the one with the apple and arrow still in it. I quickly dislodged the arrow and apple with a quick pull before doing the same to separate the two.

I tucked my arrow back into my quiver at my side before walking back to Henry with my back on Felix and the others.

For fun, I took a bite out of the crisp apple and the taste exploded in my mouth. It was delicious and I had not had breakfast or lunch yet.

This apple was perfect.

The defining crunch silenced the already quiet boys which seems to have made them stop breathing.

I almost let an amused chuckle come out of me but I stopped it before it reached my lips.

When I reached Henry, I stopped at his side and turned to him.

He stared at me directly and I wished I could smile to know that I was safe but I would not have my confidence fade. Not yet.

I reached out my hand towards him.

He quickly looked down before turning back to me. I gave a slight nod with my eyebrows, furrowing them so he could only see.

I watched as his body relaxed as he took my hand in his and I pulled him out of the situation.

I was stopped with another hand on my right arm.

With my apple as the only weapon in the moment, I twisted my arm, shoving my apple into Pan's mouth before he could say anything.

He let go of my arm and looked at me in shock.

Without another thought, I continued walking away from the scene with Henry in hand, getting just far away before I could let out a bellowing laugh.

That's all for today! I'm really happy that I was able to get this done! I will probably not be posting on weekends so please hang with me till the weekdays! Anyway! Have a wonderful day and weekend! I will see you next chapter!!! Ta taaaaaaaa!!

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