Part 60

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-Alina's POV-

"Your parents sure are weird aren't they, Henry," I asked while we walked through the town.

"Well, I mean, compared to yours, dude," Henry paused.

"What are you talking about, dude," I asked, completely confused about why Henry was getting flustered.

"Alina? Hook? Felix? Do you know who any of them are?"

A sharp pain in my head erupted. I cried out and fell to the floor, hands covering my ears even though they did nothing for the voices as weird memories flashed through my head.

Henry called for help as weird memories flashed over and over in my brain.

Memories of me with a boy. One with blonde hair and who chased me through the trees. Talked with me in the sand and helped set me up on my first date.

But then... there was another. One with brown hair and emerald eyes that shined no matter where he was.

He was always there, in the background or by my side. We were surrounded by trees or near a cliff. Even in some, we were watching the stars. But we were rarely without each other.

But what was his name? Pongo? Philips? Peet?

My mind went blank and the next thing I knew, I was lying in my room again.

Covered in a baby blue wallpaper, with books on white shelves that were built into the walls. With a white desk in the corner and a grey beanbag in the other corner.

I bolted upright, yanking the sheets clean off me as I ran to my closet.

After finding the right pair of blue jeans, my favorite hoodie, a yin-yang design of fire and ice, and a simple back shirt underneath, I was about to race out the door when a familiar voice called out my name.


I froze.

I know that voice... I know that voice!!

I turned around.

And there he was.

A black human, with wisps of black smoke seeping off him. He was almost transparent too.

Maybe a shadow was a better name to call him.

I passed in the middle of my observation.

Shadow? Why does that name feel so familiar?

"Are you? I mean... do you know anyone by chance... of the name 'Shadow'?"

It was his turn to pause.

"Alina? Do you... remember me, per chance," the ghost-like thing asked.

"Ummm... I was just wondering if you know someone named Shadow. That's it. So, do you," I asked again, taking a cautious step forward.

He pointed a claw at himself and tilted his head slightly. "Hi."

I awkwardly waved at him. "Hi?"

He held out the same hand to me. "My name is Shadow. I am Peter Pan's... shadow."

There it was again. That sharp pang. I grabbed the sides of my head and collapsed to the floor.

That "Shadow" creature bent down with me but every time, his hand went straight through.

With a frustrated sigh, he stabbed my hands with his claws.

I slightly screamed in shock but settled down when I realized that it didn't hurt.

Instead, golden light seeped through his body and into my hands. Warmth spread all throughout my body and yet, I still cried out in pain when it got to my head.

Memories flashed and burned into my brain, forever staying locked inside my memory.

I watched as I danced with boys and chatted with a girl who had body hair and a very sassy personality. I laughed as one boy got his toe stepped on with a heel. I cried when I heard the brown-haired kid's story, the one who would sit and laugh with me, cry and stay by my side through the night.

Tears dripped onto the floor and yet Shadow did not let go of my hands. He apparently refused to do so until something had finished.

The boy's face was almost complete. I could still see his eyes in the darkness and I could make out who he was but... something was nagging at me.

What is his name?


I paused and I quickly covered my mouth. 'Please say that I didn't say that out loud.'

"You didn't so don't worry. I can read minds and fly so please don't be embarrassed."

I was momentarily distracted until more memories began to pour into my mind.

I wanted to scream but they came out silent.

I wanted to scratch but my hands wouldn't move.

I wanted to cry but the tears would not come.

Maybe something was truly wrong with me.

But then, it was over, and all the pain, the emotions, and the memories went back in place as they should be, like a perfect box set.

I gasps and I yanked my hands away, too surprised that I could do it, and fell backward on my head instead.

My memories were back. My memories were back!

I excitedly looked around. "Shadow? Where's Peter? Is he not here with you? How have you been? Is Neverland doing okay? No issues or anything, right?"

He shook out his hands. "Woah, Woah, Woah! Hold on! We have to meet up with Pan first, then we can talk, okay?"

I agreed and we raced outside, me in the lead with Shadow slightly behind me, even while he was flying.

"Are you sure you're okay? You basically just got out of a coma," Shadow called as I rounded the corner. 

"Of course," I said, looking back at him. "Who do you think I am?"

He laughed but then stopped. 

I turned back around and my heart sunk.

My darling. 

My beautiful Peter Pan.

My one love with a knife in his heart.

That's it! I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting as much as of late! I'm trying to figure some stuff out for myself and then there are the hospital visits... anyway, I hope that you all have enjoyed this chapter! I'm sorry that it was a little bit rushed but I did try to impress you all! I hope you all have a wonderful day and I will see you in the next chapter!! Ta taaaaaaaaa! 

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