Part 43

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Just a few things to know!! Even though Felix is Alina's brother, he does not know about her powers. They share the same dad but not the same mother. Felix was taken at a young age and grew up without a dad so he does not know about their father. Shadow doesn't know who their parents are either. Anyway, back to the story!

-Narrator's POV-

Alina had been staying in bed due to the determination of Peter from stopping her from working and instead insisting that she needed rest.

She, of course, snuck out every night and did her patrols and chores that she did every night and early morning.

Since she had been near the edge of life for the last three days, she tried to focus all of her powers on her wound and trying not to heal herself right away so that she wouldn't be suspicious.

She focused on making sure that she wouldn't bleed out and instead pushing back the blood and plugging it up without sealing up the skin.

-One day later-

-Alina's POV-

"What the hell happened?!"

I perked up at Pan's angry voice, worrying about what could have caused this much frustration. I had just been able to get out of house arrest and I was not about to waste any time in thinking about what might have happened.

I raced out of the storage room, rushing past confused Thomas and Scott.

I entered the woods, rushing through the path that lead to the cages where Pan's voice could be hear through angry grunts and grumbles.

"What happened here," I asked, entering the scene.

Felix had his hands raised at Pan who was currently scratching his temple.

Felix and Pan both turned their heads to look at me.

"Did I do something," I asked, looking behind me but no one was there. That meant, that they were staring at me.

"No, don't worry," Pan said, giving a slow smile.

"Then why were you screaming," I asked, concern etching into my features.

"Look," Felix grumbled, and waved his hand at the cages.

All of them were closed and secured but when I squinted my eyes to see something new. Something that shouldn't belong but there it was.

Captain Hook's cage... was open.

Dread filled my stomach, making me want to vomit but I pushed that feeling down.

Not the time. Not the time.

"Is he gone," I asked, even though my brain already knew the answer.

"He left the island before we could catch him. Our guess is that he's gathering reinforcements back on his ship," Felix said, tilting his head back and placing his hand on the back of his neck to hold him up.

A thought pinged in my mind.

Was it stupid?

Was I still going to do it?

"I have to go," I quickly mumbled before bolting away out of the woods and back into camp.

I took one good look around before forcing my backpack to fall from the tree and catching it in my hands.

I quickly pulled out my cloak and mask, knowing that what I was doing could possibly get me killed but how was that going to stop me when I didn't fear death?

I controlled it.

I quickly slung my belt on, counting each of the gas bombs. I doubt that I would have needed to use any but I brought them nonetheless.

I quickly rushed over to the armory and grabbed a satchel filled with arrows and slung a bow over my shoulder.

I checked everything one more time before sliding my journal in the satchel and tucking it in the very bottom of the bag.

I took a deep breath. This was either very foolish or very brave.

I lifted my backpack back into the trees and tucking it into the safety of the branches that were slowly cocooning it.

I jumped back down when I heard a rustle of leaves.

I didn't wait long it find out who it was.

I shot into the bushes, knocking someone to the ground and holding a dagger to their throat with my foot on their chest.

Henry's scared face flashed back at me.

I sighed and quickly got off and picked him up.

Before he could say anything, I wrapped him in a hug, burying his head into my chest.

His arms slowly did the same around my waist.

"What's wrong," he asked, his voice muffled.

"Listen very closely, Henry," I said, holding him a distance away so he could understand. "I'm going to go after Captain Hook. I'm telling you this in case... something happens here. If something goes wrong and only if something goes wrong, tell Pan where I am. No matter if he demands it from you. Don't tell him unless if it is an emergency. Please."

He nodded. I brought him closer in another hug, knowing that this could be my last one. I rubbed his hair and kissed his head softly before pulling away and turning around.

"Come back."

I froze.

I knew not to make empty promises so instead I did something I could.

"I'll try."

With a final smile in his direction, I turned around, and began to run.

That's it! Thank you so much for reading!! I'm glad that you are enjoying. Sorry if this book is going too fast for you but I'm still trying to finish it up!! See you all in the next chapter!! Ta taaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

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