Part 34

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"She is the reason you are still alive."

-Peter's POV-

-A few hours earlier-

I had just woken up and eaten breakfast when I had two hands grab my shoulders.

I quickly attacked at turned the figure into a chokehold when I recognized a red plaid t-shirt.

"Henry, what are you doing," I grumbled.

"Could we have a party," he exclaimed, ignoring my question.

"Why would we do that," I grumbled.

"Because it's fun! We could have food, entertainment, and fun! Wouldn't that be awesome," Henry squealed.

"Why are you so excited," I questioned.

Henry never acts like this.

"I met this really pretty lady would wants to have a party and dress up Alina! She was much older than me and she wanted me to ask you for permission," he answered.

Curse you Tink!

"Fine," I muttered.

"Yes! I'll go tell everyone," he said, excitedly.

"Wait don-," but he was already out the door.

I relayed his words over in my head before one sentence stuck with me.

Tink is going to dress up Alina.

Thoughts swarmed into my mind.

Tink had a reputation of being dramatic and being eccentric.

This is not going to end well.

I got up and washed my plate just as Felix burst into the room.

"Is it true," he demanded.

"Is what true," I asked, irritated.

"Are you allowing us to have a celebration," he stated.

"Yeah. Apparently Tink wants to dress up Alina and that is a good enough excuse to celebrate," I grumbled.

"This could also help one of us win this bet," he exclaimed, a smirk crawling onto his face.

"I will win," I retorted.

"Sure you will," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Do you know where Alina is," I asked, changing the subject.

"She might be doing patrol or checking on traps," Felix stated.

"I already checked the island. She isn't there," I muttered. "Where else would she go?"

It looked like a lightbulb went off as Felix's eyes widened.

"She might be.."

Felix stopped.

"She might be what, Felix?"

Something felt wrong.

"She might be checking on the prisoners."

My heart dropped.

What if they got out and hurt her?

Did they get out?

I though we had them secure!

"I'm going to go check on her to see if she is there. Start getting ready for this party thing and I'll come back with her," I demanded.

Felix nodded and rushed off.

Please be safe, Alina.

-Present Time-

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