Part 42

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My worst dream had come true.

I had lost, once again.

But that was not going to stop me from trying to win.

I raced forward, the wind roaring against my ears but I ignored it, for I only had only in mind.

Save Alina.

I jumped off the cliff, flying in the air slightly before falling down with gravity on my side.

There she was. A small smile formed when she saw me. She was falling to her death and yet she smiled at me.

I'm not going to allow her to die. Not yet.

I flew down, noticing what lay wait for her at the bottom of the cliff.

A single shard of jagged rock jutted up from the ocean floor, aiming straight for the center of Alina's back.

Ten seconds. That's all you have. Ten seconds.

My heart pounded in my ears, adrenaline coursing through me as I dove for Alina, her falling arms stretched out towards me.

I can't lose her... she's mine and I'm not letting her leave me.

My body was flying, racing with gravity on my side as I tried to get closer to Alina before the shard of rock impaled her before my eyes.

Seven seconds. Six seconds.

I couldn't fail now.

I dove down, not noticing that I went past Alina until I looked up.

Her body fell past me and I raced for her once more.

The shard was getting closer. Bigger. This was not good.

Five seconds. Four seconds.

I outstretched my arms, hoping that I might be able to reach her as I veered closer to her.

Our fingers grazed each other but yet not enough so that I could catch her. Just a little bit more.

I pushed myself farther, trying to secure my hold on her.

Three seconds. Two seconds.

I flung myself farther get a grip on her wrists but it still wasn't enough. I still needed her to be completely safe.

I reached lower, inching closer to her waist.

One second.

I reached her waist, not wasting any time in putting my hand behind her knees and lifting her up, well away from the rocks and ocean.

She inched her body closer to me. Her skin was ice cold and I wondered if she was truly okay.

Warmth spread through me as her arms latched on to mine, either out of fear or out of security, maybe even out of comfort.

I carried us back up the cliff, dodging past small falling rocks.

When we reached the top, I flopped onto the grass, Alina still clutched onto my chest.

After a few minutes of silence, I sat up, holding her in my arms.

Her skin was pale, her arms still holding onto my shirt, her knuckles white and her veins bulging.

"You're okay," I cooed, pulling her even closer if that was possible.

She tilted her head up to me, and there I saw comfort and trust for the first time in her eyes.

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