Part 47

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Pan was indeed worried about me.

Well... more like angry.

Maybe concerned or worried.

I didn't know when Pan stormed up to me, his face cemented in a scowl, before embracing me and tucking his head into the crevice of my neck.

His breath tickled my throat and I chuckled as I wrapped my arms around him, burying my hands in his hair.

He was taller than me by a long shot but still he bent over just so I could hold him in my arms.

I threaded my fingers into his hair, running my hand up and down as my other hand snakes around his waist.

His hands however were were gliding up and down my back, slightly tugging at the tips of my hair before letting go and sliding down to my lower back.

His fingers traveled the curves of my body, drawing little circles with his fingers deep into my back and my breath hitched at the sensation.

He never once paused though.

He hands traveled lower, drawing small circles into my thighs and then traveling back up.

That was when I stopped. I pulled back just enough so that my legs would be out of reach from him as I cupped his cheeks in my hands.

I leaned closer, giving his forehead a kiss before leaning my forehead against his own.

He sighed and pulled back, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

"I got a little bit worried," he murmured. "You weren't in bed and I scouted the island myself and you were still gone. I started to g-"

I cut him off, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him into a kiss.

His lips found mine instantly as he snaked his arms around my waist and onto my hips, rubbing my body against his.

He groaned but was quickly silenced when I pulled away which reacted in a string of curses that he left out under his breath.

I chuckled.

"I'm glad that you were worried about me but please don't think that I'm dead, okay? I'm always going to come back to you. I promise."

I held out my pinky.

"Always?" He interlocked his pinky with mine.

"And forever," I finished, giving him a quick kiss before turning towards the others.

All of the lost boys and Tink were staring in either awe, praise, anger, or disgust and disbelief.

I smiled, but I was not going to be embarrassed that easily.

"If you have a concern or problem, say it now or turn the other way," I threatened, giving each and every one an individual glare except for Tink.

She, however, was way too excited that I was finally with Pan. If you could even call it that.

I let go of Pan, heading over to Tink when a blonde haired someone crashed into me, wrapping his arms around my body in a crushing grip.

I gave a weak smile as I embraced Felix in my arms, already knowing that he felt bad about what has happened to me and what we had acknowledged together.

I think that in a little bit... I might be able to accept him. Maybe...

I let go of him and turned to the boys.

"Now who's hungry," I asked.

Cheers greeted my rings, slightly ringing them as I laughed and went back to Pan's tent in order to cook up a meal.

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