Part 51

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I bolted upright.

"What do you mean 'he's dying'," I demanded.

The pair both looked shocked that I had just woken up but I was not about to leave any time soon.

"I ask one more time. What do you mean 'he's dying'," I growled, not caring about the pain in my chest or in my other limbs as I tried and failed to stand.

Tink tried to rush to my aid but I held up my hand to stop her.

It doesn't matter anymore...

I focused on the air around me, picturing hands grabbing me and holding me up, painless and floating above the ground.

I heard a gasp, indicating what I already knew.

My abilities had been activated.

I opened my eyes to see Felix holding a hand to his mouth with a disbelieving look on his face, his eyes wide and his jaw looked like it was about to fall off.

I couldn't help but chuckle and forced a weak grin onto my face.

"What," I scoffed.

"How? Why? Wha-," Felix tried but couldn't form really sentences.

"Listen. I'll tell you the story later but explain to me. Why did you say that Pan was dying?!"



I looked at Tink. She, however, refused to look at me.

"Felix. She deserves to know. You know exactly why this happened."

"No! He's been planning this for months! And ever since Alina came, sister or not, Pan needs this! She. Does. Not. Know."

"Well too bad."

Tink stuck out her tongue before walking over to me and grabbing my hand.

"Can you fly us away," she whispered into my ear/

I nodded and before long we were flying away from a screaming Felix, pleading, no begging, for us to come back.

But come back, we did not.

We instead, heading towards one of her many lookouts on the island.

I set her down gently, keeping my body suspended even when she offered me a spot on the beanbag next to her.

I gently shook my head.

"Okay. Explain."

"Let's talk about how it started. As you know the story," she gave me a glance before continuing, "Peter Pan comes to bring Wendy Darling and her brothers to Neverland. The brothers start to become better aquatinted with Pan and the island instead of Wendy. She became jealous and made a deal with Pan's son, Rumpelstiltskin. That was a mistake, and a grave one."

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Wait! Pan has a son?!"

"Yes," Tink groaned. "Now. Can we continue or do you have anymore questions?"

I scowled and muttered a quick, "continue", before returning back into the story.

"Anyway... as I was saying, Wendy made a deal with his son. Rumpelstiltskin, or Rumple, was a cruel man, and sadly, still is to this day. In order for this deal to work, Rumple and Wendy must exchange something of equal value to the other. For Wendy, that was getting help to curse and possibly get rid of her brothers. For Rumple, he wanted nothing more than to see Pan destroyed. Together, they formed a bargain."

"But they still needed one thing. Pan."

"That's where the curse comes in," I muttered.

"Yes. Now Pan wasn't aware of what was going to happen otherwise he never would have allowed himself to do what he did."

"And what was that?"

Tink hesitated.

"Fall in love."

A gasp was lodged in my throat but I didn't let it reach my lips and let out a little nod for her to continue.

"Once Wendy had completed her seduction with Pan, the deal between Rumple and her was almost complete. Rumple had the ability to put a curse on Pan now and Wendy's brothers had disappeared, almost as if they never existed. We never did find them but we can only assume that they are either back in the real world or that their spirits are stuck here."

"Let's continue. After Wendy had done here part, she was instructed to create a scene that would break his heart, allowing the spell of Rumple to seep in when he was emotionally and physically weak. It would take place when in three months if he could not get a heart of a true believer, one that had never had any doubts in him, he would die a slow and painful death."

"Where do you find a true believer," I asked, hoping that for once... I wasn't right.

"We already found one before you came but now we have two," she said, looking me dead in the eyes.

"We have Henry... and we have you."

That's it! I'm sorry that I haven't been posting lately but school is long and I've been busy with some friends! Thank you for all of your support and I hope that I can see you guys in the next chapter!! Ta taaaaaaaaaaa!!

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