Part 32

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That was the last thing I felt before the world spun once more.

Pan was the first to notice the change in my mood and swiveled his head towards me.

When he saw my bloody hand that I held in front of my face, his eyes went eyes.

He yelled something but I could not hear.

All I could see was red.

All I could feel were eyes and stares.

All I could hear... was silence.

I looked up, not at Pan or the others, but at the five that became huddled together.

Snow had a panicked look on her face but she tried to disguise it as she watched the boys stop their fight and back away from them.

"Kill her," a voice screamed in the back on my head.

"I can't unleash you. Not yet," I responded.

"If you don't, she will win and take you away from this home! Is that what you want," the voice screamed.

"I'll unleash you on one condition," I answered.

"Anything! But make her pay," the voice retorted.

"Promise that you won't kill her unless if Pan says that it's okay. He might want them as prisoners," I asked.

"Fine but let me out! I'm ready for a challenge," the voice hungrily declared.

I agreed and let her take over.

She was my best weapon when I was in a life-or-death situation. She has been there since the beginning. Even though she was still myself, she was a much darker version of me.

The deadlier me.

The killer.

That's what I called her. She couldn't be described as anything else.

As most people say that seeing red is when you getting really mad.

This is not what I saw.

I was seeing black, pure rage, as I looked down upon the small group.

Without thinking, I laughed.

A crazed laugh escape my lips as I couldn't stop.

It echoed through the small space where it was only greeted with silence.

Even the lost boys didn't laugh with me. They were scared.

I walked closer, taking one slow step at a time.

The closer I walked, the more terrified Snow looked.

I stopped about ten feet away from them before halting my laughter abruptly.

I counted off in my head.

Five to go.

I charged forward, my adrenaline kicking in.

David who assumed that I would be going straight for Snow charged ahead to protect her and their group.

He raced forward with a sword ready to take a lunge forward to jab me.

I causally clicked my button, my staff extending outward in the span of a second, nailing him squarely in the stomach.

He groaned and dropped his sword, clutching his stomach.

I did a running kick, knocking him to the floor with my foot on his chest before getting off and turning towards Emma.

Emma, being impulsive, charged head on towards me in response.

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