Part 6

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"You need to reveal yourself."

I stared at the shadow in disbelief. Not even twenty-four hours ago he told me to hide until it was safe to come out.


The shadow sighed. "I know that I told you to wait and I apologize for that, but my," he paused, "my body wants to meet the person I had brought to the island."

I shook my head in disbelief. This was not going to end well. "You're Pan's shadow, aren't you?"

The shadow appeared taken back before resigning in defeat and saying, "Yeah. I am."

"How long could you put it off?"

He stared at me. "What?"

"How long could you make Pan wait for me to arrive or reveal myself?"

The shadow began to think. "Three days. That's the most I could give you."

I nodded.

"On the third day, during the sunset, walking through the woods on foot and wait," he ordered. "Do not trust what you hear. No. Matter. What."

I nodded. "Will you be okay?"

"Yeah. I piss off Pan enough times to know that he can't do anything to me."

I smiled. "Good. Be careful. The sun's almost up."

He smirked before disappearing into the remaining shadows as dawn crept into view.

-Shadow's POV-

As I left Alina alone in her tree, a tight feeling was in my chest, almost paralyzing. I recognized the tightness as a call.

Pan was calling me. Great.

I quickly flew towards the campsite, avoiding any detection as I soared straight into Pan's tent.

My body floated towards the next room, where I could hear Pan pacing back and forth.

I gulped, my Adams's apple bobbing.

This is not going to end well.

I floated through the curtains, the fabric going straight through me as Pan's gaze immediately turned on me.

"Where are they," he growled, his tone dripping with venom.

Ohhhhhhhh man. He was officially PISSED.

"Who," I asked, trying to play dumb. Pan was not buying it.

"You know exactly who I am talking about. Now," Pan sneered. "Where. Are. They?!" His scream echoed through the silent forest, birds flying away from the sound frantically.

This was a new form of anger. Pan could always keep his temper under control but this was different. He was furious, because a person wasn't here? It didn't make any sense.

"They are coming in three days time," I replied calmly.

Pan glared at me with murder. "You couldn't bring them any sooner?!"

"I could not. They asked when they could come and I told them that the longest they could wait, would be three days. When I return, if they reject my offer, they will forget me and I will never see them again."

Pan sighed, his temper slowly returning to normal. He took some short breaths before staring back into my eyes, his eyebrows knitted.

"They have one day. If their not here by tomorrow at sunset, kill them," Pan snarled, briskly.

Oh man. Alina is going to kill me.

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