Part 13

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This was going to be fun...

My hands went straight for my thighs and got out both knives before they could even throw. I flung the knives, not looking for boys to die already. The knives flung straight towards the side of their shoulders, cutting both the fabric and skin, not deep enough to leave any damage but not light enough to just scratch them. They paused and turned to each other.

I ran straight out for them, Sticking my arms out and knocking down two of them to the ground. I looked up to see Isaac trying to throw a punch but I rolled on my back before leaping up behind him and kicking him in his back.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Scott was trying to throw a punch at my head. I quickly dropped to the floor and kick the back of his legs. His calves gave out and he fell to the ground and cry. I got up and looked around the forest.

It was complete empty except for the groaning bodies on the ground. To my right, I could hear a frightened gasp and a rustle of bushes. I ran over and jumped, knocking down a small, scared boy.

He was wearing a black cloak with long sleeved, red plaid T-shirt underneath. His brown eyes were wide as he tried to run away but I grabbed him by his wrist. His head snapped back to me and shock. He looked on the verge of saying something, but no sound uttered from his mouth.

I tilted my head. His eyes went back to normal as he kept a steady gaze on me. I held up my hand and he took it for standing up. He was shorter than me, by a lot. My mind began to play pieces of information about him. He was eleven and was known as a guest of Neverland.For personality wise, he was very caring and he was very determined in whatever he did. Since he was new in Neverland, he had no favorite weapon. I snapped back into reality, shaking my head. My eyes focused on Henry, who was still staring at me still.

I side before grabbing him by the back of his collar and drag him back to the others. He was startled and struggled and wiggled, trying to get out of my grip but my arms only tightened in response.

He struggled as we entered the clearing, where we saw all the Lost Boys and Pan paralyzed on the ground.

I drag Henry to the middle for all to see before setting him down on the ground in front of me, his back against my legs.

Pan tilted his head to see Henry at my feet. I looked down at the boys and then at Henry. He was staring at Pan in shock and worry before meeting my gaze.
I just stared at him as my hand slipped down to my thigh and grabbed a knife. Henry averted my gaze and glanced down to the gleaming knife in the moonlight, and began panic, squirming around.

With my hand firmly placed on his shoulder, I jabbed the knife into one of my orbs of smoke that hung at my waist. Green smoke flooded seen as everyone always began to cough. Henry's eyes were pleading with me as he passed out. Pan was the last one to say, glaring at me before joining others in a much needed coma.

I moved Henry away from me as I circled my hands as if there was an orb, and the smoke began to track back into a floating compacted green ball. I shot the ball back into its placement of an empty and ripped bag. The bag filled up immediately as I was given the time to manipulate the plastic and put it back to the way it was before.

I sighed and pulled out a glass vile from my pocket. I uncapped the bottle before bending down to feel the energy in the sleeping bodies before me. I raise my hand slowly, green smoke began to pour out of their mouthed and going straight into the clear vile, turning it into a dark shade of green.

I felt the energy again, each of the bodies feeling clean before capping the bottle and taking off my mask to breathe. I took some deep breaths, trying to work out my lungs that has been strained from the extent of wearing a mask for such a long period of time. When I had settled down, I glance towards Pan's body. He looked on most people as brown locks of hair fluttered into his closed eyes.

I smiled before snapping myself out of my trance. I stood up, brushing off my pants. After getting off all the dirt and gunk, I looked towards the direction of the campsite where Pan's shadow was supposed to meet me and help with the boys.

I shook my head, erasing thought from my mind. I flicked my wrist, Pan and the Lost boys' bodies rising into the air and following me towards the direction of the supposed campsite. I reached the campsite and some multiple tents in a line as I placed the boys down on the ground.

"Shadow," I called out into the empty night sky.

The black figure soared into view in a matter of seconds.

He gave his all to familiar smirk when he saw the boys behind me, asleep and unhurt besides a couple of spots of dried blood.

He grinned. "Never once in my life have I ever seen Pan and his Lost boys look like that," he pointed to the clutter behind me, "Good job."

I smirked. "Thanks... Shadow."

He smirked. "I like the sound of that."

He then pulled out my black bag, the one with my clothes and book and handed it to me. I took it and checked inside.

All my clothes and bottles were perfectly placed as I had left them and when I dug further, I saw my father's journal tucked underneath. I smiled and hoisted the backpack.

I nodded before looking around at the tents. "So. Who is whose?"

He festered at the largest tent. "That's Pans. There are two rooms in there. The first is the meeting and dining room. The second room is his room. I would suggest not going in there."

I nodded along as he continued to talk. We went through the tents one by one, explaining about the camp and the jobs that need to be done everyday. We went from having to collect meat from the traps everyday to cleaning out the water supply and checking the boundaries of the island.

When he was finished, we heard back to where a cluster of boys awaited for our arrival. We both glanced at each other before returning our attention to the messy and dirt covered teenagers.

They needed a good cleaning, both their bodies and their clothes. After that, most of them would need to start getting healed, some for bruises and others for broken noses.

I turned to look at Shadow. His head turned towards me, staring directly at me.

He sighed. "Fine, I'll help you."

I giggled before my smile faded. I had kept a secret from him that he should know about.

I sighed. "Can I show you something?"

He was going to find out sooner of later.

He nodded, confusion sketched into his dark features.

"Promise me you won't freak out."

"I promise now show me!"

I took a deep breath before lifting my hand into the air, my palm facing the sky. The boys to my right began to fly before me. He stared before looking at me, wide eyed.

"Can you make yourself fly?"

I nodded and repeated the motion, my body lifting into the air gracefully before gently setting myself back on the ground.

He began to chuckle. "I already knew about your abilities but I'm glad you told me yourself. It would have been awkward for me if you never did."

I gawked at him. "Then why bring me here? You bring me here and as promised, I didn't kill anybody but I don't know what else I'm supposed to do here."
He sighed and rubbed his temple. "Because... I need your help."

I stared at him blankly. "With what? What would you, Pan's shadow, need my help for?"

He paused. "With Pan," he muttered.

"With what?"

"With Pan." He sighed before locking onto my eyes.

That's it. I am very tired. Ta taaaaaa!!

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