Part 41

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"I'm your brother, Alina."

I laughed. "Nice try but you're not fooling me that easily."

"Who said I was joking," he replied, coldly.

My laughter ended abruptly.

"No, no. You're not my brother."

"Even if you refuse to believe me, I am still your brother. Your older brother."

"Felix," I cooed, my tone icy. "You don't understand. I'm already having a rough week. This doesn't help. Don't joke with me and say that your my brother. That's not possible. We look nothing alike. How would you even know if it were true or not?"

"Pan's shadow told me."

The air from my lungs dispersed quickly and efficiently.

This couldn't be happening! Not now!

My nerves were rising, my breaths became quicker.

"Alina! You're shaking! What's going on?"

Not now! Please not now!

"I need you... to leave. Now!"

"No," he argued, trying to stabilize me. "I'm not leaving you here!"

"If you are truly my brother," I said, forcing my voice to stay even. "Then leave!"

He gulped, battling within himself.

"I'm here for you, Alina," he whispered, guilt edged into his voice. "I wasn't back then because I didn't know about you but I'm saying it now. I'm going to be here for you until the end of time or until I get knocked down. I'm not leaving you, not by yourself."

Tears brimmed my eyes, it was getting harder to breathe.

"You can't help... I need Tink. She knows... she knows," I muttered, feeling light headed.

I have to get away.

"Please," I whispered. "Go find her. Tell her that I'll be on the cliff. She'll know."

"Okay... afterwards, I need to give you something."

"Okay. Please, go."

With a final look, he turned and raced into the forest.

I turned around and sprinted to the cliff, my nerves rising with every step. I needed to calm down, and fast.

When I reached the cliff, I dropped down to my knees to stabilize myself.

I pulled two blue pills out of my pocket, shoving into my mouth and down my throat.

I needed to regain my composure. This was the only way.

After a few minutes of concentrating on my breathing, the pills took effect.

I was now free to do as I pleased without worrying about what my emotions or reactions would do for certain situations.

I walked up to the cliff's edge, looking down at the raging ocean.

I haven't gone flying in a while...

-Peter's POV-

I raced through the forest, trying my best to find Alina before it was too late.

"He's her brother," Tink said, a face filled with worry. "He was going to tell her today."

"Where did she go," I asked, trying not to let my fear consume me.

"She said that she was doing patrol," Tink blurred out. "Although, she did mutter something about a cliff and flying lesson."

My mind raced through the different ways of what that could of meant. My brain raced to the worst possible conclusion.

I hated it, but what if I was right?

I bolted out of the room, racing to the cliff where I tried to kiss Alina. My feet pounded through mud, dry and dead leaves, and hard rock.

I pumped my arms, trying to go faster. This was way too important for me to go slow.

I crashed into a body, sending myself back into a tree.

"Ouch," I groaned. "Who the hell-," I looked up, "Felix?"

He groaned in pain, slowly rising to his feet.

"Where is she?"

"What," he groaned.

"Where is she," I screamed. I was too angry to be questioned. This was already stressful enough.

I shook him hard, making sure that he was awake.

"She's near the cliff! God! She was freaking out! Her body was shaking, man!! She told me to find Tink! I don't know what's going on!! Okay?!"

"Dammit," I grunted, throwing Felix to the ground.

This is not good...

I stood up, racing once more towards the cliff, my breath ragged as I raced against odds and time, including myself.

When I finally reached the cliff, my breath hitched.

Alina was there. Alive.

Her body was trembling, I could hear her sniffles from here. I took one step closer when she suddenly stopped all of the sudden.

I paused, more fear spreading faster through my head faster than a bullet train.

She stood up, not looking at me, or anything in particular.

She took a few steps, my heart jumped up into my throat.

I couldn't speak, couldn't move, until she was about to talk a step off, her foot dangling over the edge in suspense.


I haven't realized that a voice was screaming until my own voice rang back in my ears.

Her body froze, one of her feet still off the edge.

She spun around, eyes wide and frantic.

Her body was off balance. It was the wrong timing. I guessed wrong this time. I was running on adrenaline.

Anything my mind could come up with did not prepare me for what actually happened.

Her body shook, sending her into a state of panic. She flailed, arms going wild as she tried to keep herself from going over the edge.

But that plan failed. She couldn't do it quick enough to survive.

With a final desperate look at me, Alina fell over the edge, off of the cliff.


That's it for today! I'm tired! Thanks for reading and enjoying the chapter! Leave a comment of what you might think is going to happen next. I love you guys! Thank you for reading and supporting me! Byeeeee!! Ta taaaaaaaaa!!

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