Part 48

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Pan did understand, thank goodness.

For the most part...

He was waiting patiently in Tink's hut for me to get back and I explained everything. How I was kidnapped by Hook's men and almost stabbed, even how he tried to kill me in order to bring down Pan from the inside.

I didn't tell him that Hook was my father in case he wouldn't accept me anymore and instead push me away like all the others.

His hands were balled into fists and his entire body shook with rage.

His eyes were clenched shut as if he looked at something, it would burst into flames.

"Get. Out. Now," he demanded coldly, knowing exactly that Tink would get the message and leave as fast as she could.

Within seconds, she was out and slamming the door behind her.

"Alina." My name rolled off his tongue like a blessing and a curse at the same time. It sent shivers down to my toes causing them to curl.

I flung my eyes up, regretting it immediately when his cold gaze met mine.

"Are you okay," he asked, his voice revealing nothing about what he was feeling.

"Yeah," I yelped, not wanting to keep him waiting in case he strikes out.

"Good. But since they kidnapped you... I'll have to find them..." he didn't finish that sentence, his mind thinking of something else.

"What will you do," I asked, generally concerned for Hook and his crew.

A car like grin appeared and my nerves skyrocketed.

"There will be blood tonight, my love. But I swear on my life, it will not come from you."

Maybe I was in love with villains. Maybe I just wanted to be loved.

I could stop myself as I got up from my chair, rushed over to him, and straddling him and my hairs flew to his hair and brought his mouth down to mine.

I already knew that he was fierce and demanding in all that he did. That did not change even for me.

But this time was different. He held me with a possessiveness that was shown throughout his entire body language. His hands were gently as they caressed me, sliding his fingers up and down my spine, causing me to shiver in his hold.

Sensing my breathing change, he stilled, hands pausing their search of my back.

He pulled away, challenging my gaze with his own.

"I think I should go," I whispered, still not pulling away at the statement.

"Okay," he whispered but still didn't let go or loosen his grips in my hips.

This was bad. If neither of us moved... we would do something that we would both regret.

-Pan's POV-

I knew the signs.

I knew this was getting out of hand.

I knew I was going to regret it if I didn't let go.

But I don't want to.

I don't want to push her away.

I can't do that. Not to her.

Not to me.

Luckily for me, I didn't have to make the choice.

Henry's voice called us from the outside and we both got off of each other quickly, Alina rushing outside to see what Henry wanted.

I sighed, rubbing a hand down my face. Great...


I smirked at the comment knowing full well that Henry wouldn't know the definition of that word.

Alina would slap me though.

The image of Alina slapping me, a look of angry planted on her face, sent blood rushing down, down, down...

God, that would be hot.

I tried to get rid of my urge to bring her back but that was interrupted when a sudden pain in my chest caused me to fall to the ground, clutching at the spot of my heart.

I needed Henry's heart otherwise... no. I'm getting that heart if it's the last thing I do.

Alina would have to come second. She would understand.

Keep telling yourself that and you might actually start believing it.

Oh shut up!

I grumbled as I walked outside to see everyone hurrying to grab weapons left and right, sheathing them or putting them in holsters.

"What's going on," I asked, just as Marcus passed me with a bow in his hand.

"Hook is coming and he's ready for battle," Alina declared, suddenly popping up next to me.

She was already dressed in different clothing. Instead of wearing her usually cloak, she only put on her mask.

The clothes were tight, shaping her curves in every single way and I could help that my mind immediately went searching for the dirtiest of thoughts.

"You look great," I said, admiring her for still coming out and fighting with us.

"Thank you. Now, will you please go get ready? I prefer not to have my boyfriend die on the first battle together."


She called me boyfriend.

I nodded, a growing smirk appearing on my face.

Without another word, I turned around to go prepare myself for battle.

-Alina's POV-

I was going to be pushed to the edge.

I would have to show everyone what a monster I am.

I would have to show them my secret.

And then...

I would face the consequences of my choice.

This can't go on forever.

It's them or the people I love.

And I don't want to pick.

But I must.

And I choose me.

That's it! I'm done!! It's like 12 am and I am tired! Thank you guys for reading!! Please tell me what you think will happen in the next chapter! It will probably once a week and I apologize if you hate the story. Please enjoy though and I will see you all in the next chapter!! Ta taaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

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