Part 58

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-Alina's POV-

I couldn't see. 

Everything was dark. 

My chest was tight and yet I could hear the soft thump of a steady, beating heart.

It was not real. It couldn't be. I was dead.

Rustling sounded to my left and that caused me to feel the wooden board that supported my body, running up and down.

I bolted up, not familiar with my surroundings enough that I tripped on a toy car when I got off the table. 

I hovered about the ground, not wanting to make anyone notice that I was awake yet.

"It's good to see you again, Alina," a voice echoed from behind me.

I spun around, trying to see through the darkness when two small arms came and wrapped around my waist behind me.

"Alina! It's so good to see you again," the small voice chirped.

"I'm sorry," I said, prying myself away from them, "but where am I?"

"Oh right! You're in Storybrooke!"

"That's..." I looked down at the small child. "Your name is Henry, right?"

"Yep! Nice to see you again!"

"You too. Are your moms here," I asked. 

"Yeah! They are just waiting outside for you!"

"Okay. Okay. I'll come outside."

"Perfect," he cheered. "Did you guys hear that? She's awake and ready to go!"

We listened to the cheers and clapping that echoed through the door. 

"Were you all waiting for me?"

He turned back around. 

"Well... yeah. Why wouldn't we wait for a friend?"

I smiled. 

"A friend, huh," I thought. "Not bad, Alina. Not bad at all."

I followed Henry out the door, into a cafe, where the smell of freshly baked pastries and a strong smell of coffee filled the air. 

"Umm," I started, feeling slightly shy in this strange environment. "Hi?"

Some of them looked up, the rest of them stood up and marched towards me. 

Before they got to me, they paused and bowed. 

"Uhh," I leaned towards Henry. "What's going on?"

"Thank you for saving him," one of the small men said.

"Who," I asked. "Henry?"

"Yes! Thank you so much," another one of them said.

"Ohhhhh... okay!"

They got back up, nodded, and went back to drinking their coffee and having breakfast.

I sighed. "I am so uncomfortable right now. Please don't let anyone do that again towards me."

Henry nodded. "They were just excited to see me again and since you were the oe who helped me get off the island and back home, they felt like you needed a thank you too."

I nodded. I turned around to see Charming boy just standing there with a stupid grin on his face.

I stomped over. "Now, what do you want?" I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned on my back foot.

He raised his hands in mock defense. "I only wanted to confirm that you were awake." He scanned me. "And not on a rampage to kill everyone."

I glared at him. "You know," I said, placing a finger on my chin in a thinking pose, "I was planning on being nice and respecting this cute little place that you got here. But I'm sorry to say that... I am feeling a little murderous right now." I smirked.

His grin disappeared. "Now listen Alina," he demanded, angrily, "you don't make the rules here. You follow them. Got it?"

"No," I said, sticking out my tongue and walking out the door.

"Hey! Wait up," Henry called as he rushed outside to get on my side.

"Hey," I suggested, "do you want to go for a fly?"

He hesitated. "You're not going to kill me right?"

I laughed. "Why would I save you just to kill you later?" He still didn't look convinced. "No. I'm not out to kill you? Why would I? We just escaped after we were shipwrecked! We should celebrate!"

"Alina... we weren't shipwrecked. We were kidnapped by Pan. Do you remember?"

A sharp pang jolted in my mind and I groaned, falling to the ground in pain. 

"...stop. Stop. Stop! Stop! STOP!"

It husrt. It hurt so bad and I couldn't control it. 

"Whoever tat person is, never say their name again! We were shipwrecked! Okay? You almost died! Multiple times, might I add!"

He froze. He opened his mouth and closed it again and again, wanting to say something but could never quite get the words right.

"Okay Alina. We were shipwrecked. That hit to your head must have caused you some memory lost because you forgot about our crewmate."

'Crewmate,' I thought. 'We didn't have a crewmate... did we?'

"Maybe," I muttered. "I'm sorry that I forgot."

"It's okay," he cheered. "He will probably find you again and ask you to sail the world with him."

I imagined two people out on the sea with no one else by their side. And they were happy. 

"That sounds nice. I would like that. I would like that a lot, I think."

"Then let's see if he can come faster," he whispered before sprinting away.

"Hey! Wait for me, you piece of crap," I yelled, feeling a smile form on my face.

'A crewmate huh? Please come soon then. I don't know how much longer I can take this."

-Shadow's POV-

I had just arrived here and already I could feel Pan calling for me to report. 

Can't he just take a break and chill!? I'm working as fast as I can right now.

I scanned Storybrooke, checking the docks and the playground. Even Swan's house, but neither her nor Hnery were there. And especially not Alina.

Foolish Alina. I should never have made her promise to keep Pan safe. Some friend I am.

I sighed. 'This is pointless,' I thought. 'She's probably dead.'

I was about to turn back and report the bad news when a glimpse of red hair got startled. 

I flew in closer, making sure that my eyes weren't deceiving me in a time of grief. 

But no. There she was. Alina. In all her might.

'I have to go Alina,' I thought, wishing that she could hear me. 'But I promise, when Pan comes, I will protect you, even if it has to be from him.'

The feeling of loneliness was a friend of mine but even so, I didn't want to leave her. 

I took in a breath, got my thoughts straight and my mind clear, and turned away from the girl who changed my life.

"Time to deal with a lovesick psychopath," I grumbled. "Yay me."

That's it!! Thank goodness!! I hope you enjoyed. That was a lot of writing and I think I did well but please tell me what you think!! I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter!! I can't wait until Pan comes to rescue her! Well anyway, I will see you in the next chapter!! Ta taaaaaaaaa!!

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