Part 14

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"With Pan."

"Are you insane? What for?"

Shadow sighed.

"You will probably not believe me but here it goes."

He took in a deep breath before saying, "Pan used to be a kind person. He was gentle and caring but that all changed after Wendy."

"Wendy... as in The Wendy? Wendy Darling?"

"Yes, that Wendy. He was happy to finally have a person by his side after so long. That was all he ever wanted. But that was not the same for her. She was using him to return to the real world."

I clapped my mouth shut with my hand. "That's horrible!"

He gave a weak smile. "It was. It changed him completely. He became angry and forceful. He even locked her in a cage and still has her here to this date. He has never trusted anyone else or allowed anyone to get close to him. And never once has he let someone have his heart."

I probably looked horrified and concerned because Shadow put a hand on my shoulder. I was not expecting the contact and jumped away, not wanting to be touched by anyone right now. He looked concerned as I glanced up before looking away once more.

"We... we better get back to the task at hand," I said, not wanting to meet his eyes.

He nodded and followed my lead. I lifted up my hand, the boys gently floating in the air as I brought them to a river. I looked over the edge of the cliff to realize that this was a river that lead into a waterfall. I smiled. It reminded me of when I had first come to the island, spending my time in a tree, reading and writing, waiting until I could reveal myself.

I laughed at the thought before turning around to face both the boys and Shadow.

I lowered my hand, the boys slowly moving to the rushing water.

"Wait!" I paused, about to put them in when I turned my head to Shadow. "You need to undress them and then bathe them."

I blushed. "You can bathe them naked while I was the clothes."

"But then they will fall over the edge."

I sighed and waved my hand. "There. Now they will float until you push or pull them into whatever direction you want. They will not move without someone else moving them."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." I closed my eyes as I felt the energy between the bodies and the clothes. It was a decently easy to separate the two of them. I brought the clothes over to my side, turning away from Shadow and the boys as I washed and cleaned the clothes one by one.

I was lazy but effective as I used my powers to float outfit after outfit into the water, lift them up before drying them in a second with a gust of wind and then streaming the water out of them, folding them onto a floating pile to not get them dirty again.

I was finished within a couple of minutes as was about to turn around when I remembered that the boys were naked.

I quickly manipulated a splash and I could feel someone looking at me. "Are you finished?"

"Yeah. The boys are floating. You should probably change them before the entire sees every single Lost boy and Pan naked."

I quickly took the pants out of my pile as well of the underwear before closing my eyes and connecting the bodies and clothes together.

"It's safe to look now," Shadow muttered.
I opened my eyes to see that all of the boys were clothes but all topless. I blushed before mentally hitting myself and returning my composure.

Most of them had bruises along their torso and stomach and I grimaced. They were dark and purple as if they had formed immediately the second I had hit them.

I looked behind them to the sea. The sun was about to come up.

"We need to get these boys back before sunrise."

Shadow turned to the ocean and turned back to me before nodding. I took the clothes that were floating as well as the boys and walked them into camp before placing them individually in each of their huts. When I had finished placing the last boy in his tent, I walked up to Shadow.

"Do you have any medical equipment or bandages?"

He nodded and I followed him into what was apparently known as the med hut.

When I entered, I saw bandages rolled up in a box. Ointments were piled on a shelf and napkins were in a box to my left. There was a bed in the middle, probably for someone to lay down who was either hurt or unconscious.

I grabbed some bandages and ointments before walking out of the med hut and into the closet tent. Of course, that had to be Pan's. I walked into the second room, his room.

It was crowded on his desk that sat in the corner, with potions and bottle and a scattered array of papers and letters.

I walked over to the bed, sitting in a chair placed next to him before examining his wounds. He was definitely handsome that even the bruises on his torso seemed increasingly hypnotizing.

I shook my head, clearing my mind as I got to work. I dipped some ointment onto the places where there was swelling and deep bruising before wrapping his torso in bandages. His face had a bruise on the side and I put some ointment on that before wrapping up the spot and leaving without another word.

I went tent after tent, repeating the same actions as I had done for Pan before stopping.

The sun had come out and as I looked up, I could tell that it was around eight in the morning.

I sighed before heading into the forest and beginning the annual chores of the day. I had walked through the forest, collecting the dead animals that had suffered a brutal death from a bear trap before replacing the trap and walking away.

When I had finished with my last trap, I had collected a floating ball of meat that was at least the size of a wild boar.

I walked back into camp and had put the meat into the cellar before returning to the beautiful afternoon.
I cleaned out the water and sharpened both the knives and the swords, even the arrows just in case.

I had started on cleaning two of the Lost boys clothes the first being Liam and Leo before moving into Marcus and Nick. I considered that both of the sets of twins were like one person per pair and I washed their clothes quickly and efficiently.

I had just finished their clothes when the sun was beginning to fade into an orange and yellow light, the tangerine color almost tasting like oranges.
I quickly scanned my memory, wondering if I had completed my tasks for the day.

When my memory had suited me with my answer, I sighed and looked around the tree tops.

I spotted a tree that was guarding the camp and quickly scurried up it, backpack weighing me down a little bit but it did not stop me as I reached the top of the tree.

I sat down, placing myself between two branches before clipping my backpack and placing it on a higher branch like before.

I sighed as my body relaxed into the branches but my mind was still awake. I began to think about what had happened to me in the last week. I had fought five men, been taken to Neverland by a shadow, found out that Peter Pan and his Lost boys exist, fighting said Pan and boys, winning, and now taking care of them as they were still fast asleep.
I rubbed my temple. When I had thought about it, I realized that I had done so much in so little time and that my body was physically exhausted.

I closed my eyes, trying to relax my body even a little bit before sleep overcame me.

That's all for today! Ta taaaaaaa!

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