Part 63

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My Alina... was dead. 

I fell to my knees. In all my years of living, I have never wanted another person more than I have with Alina. She found me, truly saved me, when I was at my lowest.

But now...

I had failed her. 

I had vowed and promised over and over again that I would keep her alive and yet... she died, all because I couldn't save myself.

Tears ran down my face but I ignored them. My body was soaring through the stars. Wind turned into bursts of fire; I felt like a comet. 

Neverland was coming closer, but so was her death. My voice cried out but made no sound. 

No. I'm not giving up this time.

With everything in me, I shot towards our home. Neverland was right there. I was going to do this. 

I screamed again and I could reconizge the words. 


Neverland shook. Tinkerbell darted from the forest and zoomed to meet us in the sky. 

"What the hell is going on," she said, flying with me and seeing a pale body in my arms. "What did you do this time?"

Tears running down my face and with blurry eyes, I lifted her face and showed Tinkerbell more clearly of who was in my arms. Her gasp told me everything. Tinkerbell grabbed her from me and shoved me away. 

"Go grab something important to you and meet me at my cabin. And hurry!!" She flew off into the forest, Alina in her arms. My hear sunk but I went back to my hut, searching and throwing unimportant things on the ground. 

I grabbed letters and documents but then right as I tore up the letters and threw them behind me, turned to my bed and saw the blanket that Alina had made me when I got injured. I grabbed it and raced to TInk's house. But when I got there... when I got there...

A red-headed girl turned around and ran towards me, jumping up and attaching to me like a koala. Her warmth was familiar. The smell of candy apples and home cooking filled my nose. Her hands were rough but her cheek was soft when she pressed it against my neck, sinking her head into the crevases of my shoulder.

She was alive. 

Alina Jones was alive. 

And she was here. With me. 

Alina jumped off of me and grabbed the blanket out of my hands.  She wrapped herself up in the dark green blanket and then proudly presented herself to me. 

"Peter look!! I'm a burrito!" Her voice was even the same. My tears dried and I slowly brought up a hand to her cheek. Her face turned from excited to concerned. "Peter? Is everything okay?"

My face cracked a smile. "Everything is perfect. Alina..."

She smiled. "Yes, darling?"

I didn't wait to finshed her question as I leaned forward. 

Her lips were soft ad in this moment, I want nothing more than to hold her. To please her. To consume her with everything I felt for her and more. 

She was hesitant and careful but when she noticed that I didn't plan on stopping, she pushed a little bit against me. 

I stopped for a moment letting her breathe. "Would you like this to continue?" She nodded but I took my hand and lifted up her chin so she could meet my eyes. "I need a vocal answer, love."

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